Tag: slider

Planning & Zoning Quashes Higher Density Housing

[box]by Anthony Karge / North Haven Patch[/box] The North Haven Planning and Zoning Commission voted unanimously on Monday to reject a proposed amendment that would have allowed higher-density condos in town. “I heard most of

40th Anniversary of the Integrated Day Program

There will be an open house to celebrate the 40th anniversary of the Integrated Day program in North Haven. All current and former students, parents, teachers, and administrators are welcome to attend this event Thursday,

Ridge Road Band Plays The Star Wars Theme

The Ridge Road Elementary School Band plays the Star Wars theme at their Spring concert held at North Haven High School.

North Haven 2012 Memorial Day Parade

In this episode of North Haven News: Sights and sounds from the 2012 North Haven Memorial Day Parade.

North Haven Residents Graduate From Quinnipiac University

The following North Haven residents received their undergraduate degrees from Quinnipiac University during the 81st commencement exercises on May 20: Brittney J. Berrios, Bachelor of Science in Nursing; Timothy J. Binkoski, Bachelor of Arts in History; Brett T.

North Haven Budget Passes With Low Voter Turnout

[box]by Anthony Karge / North Haven Patch[/box] People in North Haven – or at least the small percentage who came out to vote in the referendum – approved the 2012-13 budget by a large majority.

Yale Readies North Haven Medical Center

[box]By Nancy Barnes / North Haven Patch[/box] Yale-New Haven Hospital’s planned North Haven Medical Center took a step forward this week as the general contractor arrived on site to prepare for the remodeling of what is termed

First Selectman Pitches Zero Tax Hike Budget

[box]By Anthony Karge / North Haven Patch[/box] First Selectman Michael Freda calls the proposed 2012-13 budget a responsible – both for the future of the town and weary taxpayers. Before the $85.1 million budget for the 2012-13

NHSC: North Haven vs Wallingford – May 12, 2012

The May 12, 2012 soccer game featuring the North Haven Soccer Club U10 Girls Devo team against Wallingford.

Episode 98: May 10, 2012 – Art Beat!

In this episode of North Haven News: Sights and sounds from the annual Art Beat exhibit held at North Haven High School. Music provided by Mr. Rhone’s African Drumming class from Ridge Road Elementary.

QU Physician Assistant Program Stresses the Importance of a Healthy Lifestyle to North Haven Students

[box]Quinnipiac University physician assistant student Jaret Williams, right, provided information about the importance of dental health to a student at the Earth Day Health Fair at ACES Mill Road School in North Haven on April

The Future of North Haven Housing

[box]by Kyle Swartz / North Haven Citizen[/box] People packed the Recreation Center gymnasium Monday night for discussion on two proposed zoning amendments which could allow numerous large, densely settled housing developments in town. At the Planning