Tag: slider

Parents Oppose Busing Changes in North Haven
[box]by By Ann DeMatteo / New Haven Register[/box] The Board of Education Thursday night received a petition signed by 236 people opposed to a new school bus schedule and want it tossed. The petition was started …
By Chris on July 16, 2012

Primary Care To Be Job One For New Medical School
[box]by Kathleen Megan / The Hartford Courant[/box] In a year, Quinnipiac University expects to open the third medical school in the state to help ease a dramatic shortage of primary care doctors and to create a new …
By Chris on July 13, 2012

Steve Fontana Steps Into The Campaign Fray, Again
[box]by Nancy Barnes / North Haven Patch[/box] Steve Fontana, the Democratic candidate for the 34th Senatorial District, estimates he goes through two pair of walking shoes per campaign. As a state representative for 14 years—he was …
By Chris on July 12, 2012

North Haven’s Own Ernest Borgnine Dies At Age 95
[box]DAVID GERMAIN, AP Movie Writer[/box] LOS ANGELES (AP) — He was a tubby tough guy with a pug of a mug, as unlikely a big-screen star or a romantic lead as could be imagined. Yet …
By Chris on July 9, 2012

2012 NHSC Scholarship Recipients Announced
Congratulations to Chris Musco and Alex Longobardi, the 2012 NHSC scholarship recipients! The North Haven Soccer Club recently awarded $500 scholarships to two graduating high school seniors who are members of the soccer club. The …
By Chris on June 28, 2012

North Haven Eliminates Twenty-Six School Jobs
[box]By Ann DeMatteo / New Haven Register[/box] The jobs of 18 part-time school paraprofessionals and eight full-time tutors have been eliminated. Superintendent of Schools Robert D. Cronin said Monday the people were laid off because …
By Chris on June 26, 2012

Many Students Back North Haven High School In Flap Over Graduation Speech
[box]By Alessandro Powell / New Haven Register[/box] Collectively, the North Haven High School class of 2012 has little sympathy for its president, Molly Gambardella, in her bid to speak at graduation. When she stopped attending …
By Chris on June 20, 2012

QU Receives Grant to Provide Scholarships for Underrepresented Nursing Students
Quinnipiac University announced today that it has received a $50,000 grant to be used as scholarship money for students traditionally underrepresented in nursing. The grant from the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation (RWJF) and the American Association …
By Chris on June 19, 2012

North Haven School Board Revamps Busing Schedule
[box]by Ann DeMatteo / New Haven Register[/box] The Board of Education has adopted a two-tiered transportation system aimed at bringing secondary students to school closer to the schools’ start times. A by-product could be a savings …
By Chris on June 15, 2012

Class President Barred From Giving Speech Due To Occupy Ties?
[box]by Erin Logan / WTNH[/box] A girl who worked hard for four years to get to the head of the class and claim her spot as class president has been told she won’t be allowed …
By Chris on June 13, 2012

Rep. Yaccarino Looks Back at Legislative Session
[box]by Nancy Barnes / North Haven Patch[/box] With this year’s regular General Assembly session under his belt, State Representative Dave Yaccarino, who is expected to run unchallenged for his 87th district seat this fall, gave a thumbs-up to …
By Chris on June 6, 2012