Tag: slider

Rockville Bank

Rockville Bank Announces Plans for North Haven Branch

William H.W. Crawford, IV, President and Chief Executive Officer of Rockville Bank and Rockville Financial, Inc. (RCKB), today announced the Company’s plans to open a full-service banking branch in North Haven, Conn., making it the

Quinnipiac University

Quinnipiac University to Host Information Sessions for Graduate Students in October and November

Quinnipiac University will host three information sessions for prospective graduate students in October and November. The first session, scheduled for Wednesday, Oct. 16, will begin at 5:30 p.m. on the Mount Carmel Campus. This session is for prospective graduate

An Gorta Mór

Ireland’s Great Hunger Museum at Quinnipiac University to Celebrate One-Year Anniversary

[box]Robert Ballagh’s stained glass window, “An Gorta Mór,” is among the many pieces of art at Ireland’s Great Hunger Museum at Quinnipiac University, 3011 Whitney Ave., Hamden.[/box] Ireland’s Great Hunger Museum at Quinnipiac University will celebrate

Couple Contributes $1 Million to Create the William and Barbara Weldon Chair in Rehabilitation Medicine

A vice chairman of Quinnipiac University’s Board of Trustees and his wife, both alumni of the university,  have donated $1 million to endow a chair in Quinnipiac’s new Frank H. Netter MD School of Medicine. The university has

Sally Buemi Wins Democratic Primary

Challenger Sally Buemi defeated incumbent Allan Sturtz to win the 2013 Democratic Primary for 3rd Selectman. The final vote totals were: Sally Buemi – 303 Allan Sturtz – 128  

NHSC Summer Camp 2013

North Haven Soccer Club 2013 Summer Camp

[box]Pictured are the various NHSC summer camp age groups – from pre-school ‘Kickstarters’ to high school players – proudly displaying their yellow tie-died camp t-shirts emblazoned with a unique logo and ‘soccer’ in various languages.

NHTV's Selectman Debate 2013

North Haven Selectman Debate

The League of Women Voters of Hamden-North Haven invites North Haven residents to watch a debate for the seat of North Haven 3rd Selectman between incumbent Alan Sturtz (D) and challenger Sally Buemi (D). The

Zach Ingrasci

Quinnipiac University To Screen ‘Living on One Dollar’ Documentary Sept. 16

[box]Zach Ingrasci, one of the filmmakers who produced “Living on One Dollar.”[/box] The Albert Schweitzer Institute and the School of Communications atQuinnipiac University will present two screenings of the documentary “Living on One Dollar” on Monday, Sept. 16. The film follows

North Haven News on Flipboard

North Haven News Now Available on Flipboard

I’m excited to announce that in addition to the website, North Haven News is now available as a Flipboard magazine! For those of you unfamiliar with Flipboard, it’s an app available for iOS and Android

Stop & Shop to Close Hamden Store

The Stop & Shop Supermarket Company LLC today announced the company will close its store located at 1245 Dixwell Avenue in Hamden, CT.  The store will close at 6 p.m. on Thursday, October 10, 2013.

North Haven Residents Receive Scholarship from Wepawaug-Flagg Federal Credit Union

[box]Jessica Tubis and Cameron Twitty shake hands with Wepawaug-Flagg Federal Credit Union President and CEO Michael Hinchey.[/box] Two North Haven residents who will be freshmen in college this year each received a $1,000 scholarship from Wepawaug-Flagg Federal

Engage CT LWV

LWV of Hamden-North Haven gets State Coach

The League of Women Voters of Hamden-North Haven is among the five Connecticut local Leagues that have been accepted into the LWV of Connecticut “Engage CT” program and have each been assigned a coach. LWV