Tag: League of Women Voters

LWV “Common Core Info Night” Now Airing on NHTV
When 100+ people showed up at the Miller Memorial Library March 27 for “Common Core Info Night”, the sponsoring League of Women Voters of Hamden-North Haven ran out of panelists’ bios. The bios are now …

LWV at Hamden Earth Day
The League of Women Voters of Hamden-North Haven will participate in the Hamden Earth Day April 12, 10:00 am to 3:00 pm. “We are calling our exhibit “Climate Change Reality”, said Diane Hoffman, organizer of the LWV participation. …

Capitol Tours: Take One, They’re Free!
[box]Elona Vaisnys on the armrest of Sen. Fasano’s chair in the Senate chamber.[/box] In just August, more than 1,000 visitors took a state capitol tour in Hartford given by the League of Women Voters, LWV. …