Sen. Cicarella, CT House and Senate Republicans Offer Ideas to Provide Consumers Relief on Electric Bills
Connecticut Republicans unveiled a detailed six-point plan to bring about stability and relief for consumers.
Connecticut Republicans unveiled a detailed six-point plan to bring about stability and relief for consumers.
The effort focused on providing homeless and insecure residents in the North Haven area with new cold-weather essentials, like jackets, underwear, and assorted accessories.
Urges residents reach out to contact him with ideas and concerns.
Rep. Yaccarino was selected for the honor, citing his work to benefit children and families, especially in his vocal support for House Bill 5002, which was signed into law as Public Act 24-91.
Firefighter Desimone was a 23-year veteran of the North Haven Fire Department.
The fair will give prospective law students an opportunity to learn more about the law school admissions process as well as the academic programs, career services, financial aid and scholarships available at the participating law schools.
Students submitted projects to the statewide contest promoting sustainability, energy efficiency, and clean and renewable energy.
In addition to acting and lighting, the students enrolled in the summer program learned skills such as producing, scripting, cinematography and post-production to create dynamic and diverse media content for all types of audiences.
By Sen. Paul Cicarella While summer is in full swing, topics like the mechanics of the legislative session, or what laws your elected leaders supported are unlikely to be front and center at your next …
The fully balanced bipartisan budget features over $150 million for local education, establishes a phase-out on pension and annuity taxes, investments in public safety, and strict adherence to fiscal guardrails established in the 2017 budget agreement.
Both teams were introduced on the floor of the Connecticut Senate and House of Representatives to thunderous applause from legislators, staff, and guests in attendance.
Senator Cicarella joined the bipartisan legislative effort to investigate and deter groups of hundreds of people from unlawfully operating motor vehicles, motorcycles and all-terrain vehicles on public roadways.
Mecca, who is in his 25th year as senior associate athletic director, has served as an assistant men’s basketball coach, head men’s tennis coach, assistant director of athletics, head men’s basketball coach and interim athletic director.
Research shows that over 60 percent of Americans live paycheck-to-paycheck and struggle to save money for short-term or long-term financial goals.
The award, given to a junior with outstanding leadership qualities and academics, includes a minimum scholarship of $15,000 per year to the university and an application fee waiver.
Please be advised that the bi-annual Large Item Pick-up Program will take place on the last two full weeks of April, from April 17-21, 2023 and April 24-28, 2023 on your scheduled collection day. Acceptable …