Sen. Cicarella, CT House and Senate Republicans Offer Ideas to Provide Consumers Relief on Electric Bills
Connecticut Republicans unveiled a detailed six-point plan to bring about stability and relief for consumers.
Connecticut Republicans unveiled a detailed six-point plan to bring about stability and relief for consumers.
The effort focused on providing homeless and insecure residents in the North Haven area with new cold-weather essentials, like jackets, underwear, and assorted accessories.
Urges residents reach out to contact him with ideas and concerns.
Rep. Yaccarino was selected for the honor, citing his work to benefit children and families, especially in his vocal support for House Bill 5002, which was signed into law as Public Act 24-91.
Chiasera is a leader in her profession and currently serves as a regional director for the American Society for Clinical Laboratory Science (ASCLS).
Mills lost portions of both his arms and legs in 2012 when an improvised explosive device (IED) went off while he was on patrol during his third tour of duty in Afghanistan.
Both sessions will include an overview of graduate admissions and financial aid.
Attendees also can participate in two workshops at the event.
Sen. Fasano has played a leading role in passing legislation that expands the range of breast cancer screenings that are available to patients and that ensures patient safety comes first in limiting radiation for imaging tests such as a CT Scan or MRI.
The legislators will discuss important pieces of legislation that came before the General Assembly this year, including topics such as the state’s new paid family medical leave program, an increase to the minimum wage and changes to the pass-through entity tax.
Murray will discuss the growing misinformation surrounding journalism and how the industry can respond to this challenge.
“Stand Down 2019” was held at the State Veterans home campus in Rocky Hill where more than 200,000 veterans in were eligible to participate in the event free of charge as long as they were able to provide proof of their veteran or military status.
New Law Effective October 1st 2019
Quinnipiac’s FMIG was one of 19 to win the 2019 Program of Excellence Award for its exemplary efforts to grow and support interest in family medicine.
The tax will apply to not only prepared meals such as sandwiches, deli salads, pizza and hot buffet items, but also containers of lettuce, small packages of snacks, loose baked goods, wrapped salads, small servings of ice cream, and meal replacement bars.
The Bulk Pickup Program will take place during the last two full weeks of September.