Sen. Cicarella, CT House and Senate Republicans Offer Ideas to Provide Consumers Relief on Electric Bills
Connecticut Republicans unveiled a detailed six-point plan to bring about stability and relief for consumers.
Connecticut Republicans unveiled a detailed six-point plan to bring about stability and relief for consumers.
The effort focused on providing homeless and insecure residents in the North Haven area with new cold-weather essentials, like jackets, underwear, and assorted accessories.
Urges residents reach out to contact him with ideas and concerns.
Rep. Yaccarino was selected for the honor, citing his work to benefit children and families, especially in his vocal support for House Bill 5002, which was signed into law as Public Act 24-91.
A portion of this event included a networking session with students from across the Connecticut State Colleges and Universities system about the flourishing bioscience industry and the many opportunities that it can provide for young people.
In total, 95 medical doctor degrees were conferred during an in-person ceremony on the Mount Carmel Quad.
The North Haven Soccer Club is giving $500 college scholarships to two current or former members of the NHSC who are heading off to college.
The Girl Scouts from North Haven Troop 60387 were recently presented with their Bronze Award pins and a certificate at the North Haven Town Green after a short ceremony.
Quinnipiac University students danced their hearts out over the weekend and raised more than $200,000 for the patients and families at Connecticut Children’s Medical Center at this year’s QTHON dance marathon.
House Bill 6640 passed unanimously out of the committee process and is expected to be voted on the floor of the House of Representatives during the 2021 legislative session.
The bi-annual Bulk Pick-up Program takes place the last two full weeks of April on your scheduled collection day.
This free program, co-sponsored by the Connecticut Bar Foundation, and Connecticut Bar Association, is part of the School of Law’s series, “Understanding Human Trafficking: Common-Sense Legal Reforms.”
Many of you have reached out to me recently with various questions regarding COVID-19 vaccinations and eligibility, so I wanted to provide you with the following update.
A new online petition allows residents to speak out against a proposal by Connecticut Senate Democrats to create a State House Tax.
Rare Disease Day is a global event that serves to raise awareness of more than 7,000 identified rare diseases.
Rep. Yaccarino was sworn in as state representative for the 87th General Assembly District which includes the town of North Haven.