Category: Video

Episode 12: June 13, 2008
In this short & sweet episode of the North Haven News, we talk about the North Haven High School Girl’s Softball team’s victory over Waterford for the state championship, and give you an update on …

Episode 11: June 9, 2008
A memorial to Norh Haven High School Senior Nicole Marie Stepen, who died in a car accident on May 30, 2008.

Episode 10: May 29, 2008
In this episode of the North Haven News: The 2008-2009 Budget Vote Results; Rabina’s Plans for the Old Pratt & Whitney Site; and the North Haven High School’s Athletic Field of Debris.

Episode 9: May 24, 2008 – Memorial Day Parade
Sights and sounds from the 2008 Town of North Haven, CT Memorial Day Parade

Episode 8: May 13, 2008
This special “green” episode of the North Haven News features a “Walk for the Rainforest,” a “Green Awakening” fashion show and silent auction, and “Shred Day” at Ridge Road Elementary.

Episode 7: May 1, 2008
This episode features the rebroadcast of a WTNH story about Erica Salvo, a Ridge Road Elementary School student who is selling jewelry to help a classmate’s mother who was recently diagnosed with cancer.

Episode 6: April 15, 2008
In this episode we look at the North Haven Citizen’s new website; the locally-run, which will cover the Pope’s historic April 15-20th trip to the United States; and the results from a recent town …

Episode 5: April 1, 2008
This is Episode 5 of the North Haven News. This April Fool’s edition is all about the money. Stories include: State of the Town address, the town budget and what it means for residents’ taxes, …

Episode 4: March 21, 2008
This is the March 21st, 2008 episode of the North Haven News with stories featuring the Registrar of Voters, a local business on ABC’s Extreme Home Makeover, Tommy K’s closing its doors and a brief …

Episode 3: March 7, 2008
This is the March 7th episode of the North Haven News. In this show: the Board of Education approves the budget; Vincent Palmeri sues the town; and the North Haven town website gets some upgrades.

It’s snowing. (Sorry for the lack of updates. Winter break and a nasty stomach virus got the better of me.)

Episode 2: January 30th, 2008
Episode 2 of the North Haven News. Stories include CAPT test results, free showing of An Inconvenient Truth, North Haven Info blog shuts down and men’s hockey team wins.