Category: Money & Financial

Don’t Look Now But Connecticut Is About to Hit Rock Bottom

[box]by Sen. Len Fasano[/box] We are on a downward spiral, but the administration doesn’t want you to know. Back in February of this year I penned an opinion piece entitled, An Administration in Denial. In

North Haven Budget Passes With Low Voter Turnout

[box]by Anthony Karge / North Haven Patch[/box] People in North Haven – or at least the small percentage who came out to vote in the referendum – approved the 2012-13 budget by a large majority.

First Selectman Pitches Zero Tax Hike Budget

[box]By Anthony Karge / North Haven Patch[/box] First Selectman Michael Freda calls the proposed 2012-13 budget a responsible – both for the future of the town and weary taxpayers. Before the $85.1 million budget for the 2012-13

North Haven Soccer Club Scholarship

NHSC Awarding Two $500 College Scholarships

The North Haven Soccer Club is awarding a $500 college scholarship to two current or former members of the NHSC who are heading off to college. Guidelines for the application process are as follows: Applicant must be

Are Gas Prices Too High?

[box]by State Representative Dave Yaccarino[/box] When you stop to fill your car’s gas tank you might assume the constantly increasing gas prices are because of instability in the Middle East- where much of our oil

Elizabeth Doyle Memorial Scholarship Fund

Application forms for the Elizabeth Doyle Memorial Scholarship Fund are available, beginning March 12th.  This fund was established to honor the memory of former North Haven resident and educator, Elizabeth Doyle, and to assist fellow

Cronin Proposes Increase in Education Budget

[box]by Ann DeMatteo / New Haven Register[/box] In his first budget presentation before the Board of Education Thursday night, Superintendent of Schools Robert D. Cronin stuck close to his priorities for the school district. Cronin, who

Officials Urge Approval of $14 Million Bonding Package

[box]by Kyle Swartz / North Haven Citizen[/box] Town leaders believe that for North Haven’s best interest voters should approve all parts of a proposed $14 million bonding package. If passed at referendum on Jan. 24, bonding

Photovoltaic Array at Old North Haven Dump to Save Town Millions

[box]By Ann DeMatteo, Assistant Metro Editor / New Haven Register[/box] The old town landfill soon will have a new addition that is expected to save the town millions of dollars: photovoltaic solar panels. The panels

$9 Million Needed to Upgrade 4 North Haven Firehouses

[box]By Ann DeMatteo / Special to the Post-Chronicle[/box] It’s a tight fit at Montowese Fire Company 2, where there’s little room for firefighters to don gear and board the apparatus. Because of the tight space, the

North Haven Unemployment Drops to 7.6%

[box]by Ben Lasman / North Haven Patch[/box] According to numbers released by the CT Department of Labor at the end of last week, North Haven’s unemployment rate decreased to 7.6% in September, down from 8.5% the

Project Representatives Discuss Proposed Firehouse Renovations

[box]By Kyle Swartz | North Haven Citizen[/box] Local firefighters are requesting that voters approve a $9.2 million bonding package for major renovations to North Haven’s one professional and three volunteer firehouses. The suggested bonding will be