CT State Police Spokesman Lt. Paul Vance to Deliver Quinnipiac University’s Annual Public Relations Lecture
Lt. Paul Vance, the veteran Connecticut State Police spokesman who gained international media attention for his handling of the Sandy Hook Elementary School massacre that left 26 people dead, will discuss the relationship between the …
By Chris on March 5, 2013

Sen. Fasano Introduces Bipartisan Bill Seeking Newborn Screening for Life Threatening Disorder
Hartford, CT – “If they are identified and treated early, the majority can remain asymptomatic.” These are the words of Dr. Jack Kelley, whose son Brian (24) has been quietly but doggedly fighting a rare …
By Chris on February 28, 2013

School Raises Money for 6-year-old In Need of New Heart
[box]by Jeff Valin / WTNH[/box] As the old saying goes, the pen is mightier than the sword, but the students at a North Haven elementary school hope the penny is even mightier as they go …
By Chris on February 28, 2013

Elizabeth Doyle Memorial Scholarship Fund
Application forms for the Elizabeth Doyle Memorial Scholarship Fund are available, beginning March 11th. This fund was established to honor the memory of former North Haven resident and educator, Elizabeth Doyle, and to assist fellow …
By Chris on February 27, 2013

North Haven Resident Appointed to National Advisory Council to NCORE
Mohammed Bey, of North Haven, director of multicultural education at Quinnipiac University, has been selected to become a member of the National Advisory Council to NCORE®, the National Conference for Race and Ethnicity in American Higher Education. NCORE is a national forum …
By Chris on February 27, 2013

Frank H. Netter MD School of Medicine at Quinnipiac University Launching a Body Donation Program
The Frank H. Netter MD School of Medicine at Quinnipiac University is launching a body donation program. Bodies donated to the program at Connecticut’s newest medical school will be used to supplement the supply that is being used to …
By Chris on February 26, 2013

Coffee And…, Your Local Legislators
North Haven State Senator Len Fasano and State Representative Dave Yaccarino are trying to make it easier for you to meet with local legislators. On the first Friday of every month beginning March 1st, they …
By Chris on February 22, 2013

Q.U.’s School of Law To Move To North Haven By 2014
[box]by Susan Riello / The Quinnipiac Chronicle[/box] Quinnipiac University’s School of Law is projected to move to the North Haven campus by the summer of 2014, which will affect many current law students and those …
By Chris on February 21, 2013

Internationally Recognized Geneticist Appointed to the Founding Faculty of the Frank H. Netter M.D. School of Medicine at QU
Dr. Barbara R. Pober, of Guilford, an internationally recognized geneticist, has joined the founding faculty of the Frank H. Netter MD School of Medicine at Quinnipiac University. “I am very pleased to have Dr. Pober as a member …
By Chris on February 19, 2013

North Haven Teachers Complete Holocaust Training at the Quinnipiac University School of Education
[box]From left: Kevin Basmadjian, of North Haven, interim dean of the Quinnipiac University School of Education, Marji Lipshez-Shapiro, education director of the Connecticut Office of the Anti-Defamation League, North Haven Middle School teacher Krista Kaplan, …
By Chris on February 13, 2013

North Haven Schools Closed Until Wednesday, Feb. 20th, 2013
All North haven cchools will be CLOSED the rest of this week. Classes will resume on Wednesday, February 20th, following winter recess on Monday and Tuesday.
By Chris on February 12, 2013

35″ of Snow in North Haven; Plows Breaking Down
[box]by Michael Bellmore / New Haven Register[/box] First Selectman Michael J. Freda said Saturday the town was inundated with 35 inches of snow. “We had anticipated the worst on this,” Freda said. It was so …
By Chris on February 10, 2013