All posts by Chris

Budget Referendum Vote Passes

UPDATE: Budget passes by less than 100 votes: 669 voted “Yes;” 573 voted “No.” On Tuesday, May 21, 2013, the Recreation Center on Linsley Street will be open from 6am-8pm for all North Haven residents

North Haven Middle School & High School Lockdown Lifted

**UPDATE: The lockdown has been lifted. As a precaution, outside activities at ALL North Haven Schools has been canceled for the remainder of the day. North Haven Middle School and High School were in lockdown

North Haven Legislative Delegation Announces State Grant to Begin Clean Up of Former Circuit-Wise Property

Senate Majority Leader Martin M. Looney, Senate Minority Leader Pro Tempore Len Fasano, and State Representative Dave Yaccarino today announced that the state of Connecticut has awarded a $194,100 grant to the town of North

Foul Ball?

[box]Reported by WFSB[/box] A baseball field is right next to the home of a North Haven family, and stray balls come flying in on a regular basis. Recently, one narrowly missed hitting their 2-year-old’s head.

NHSC: North Haven U11 Girls Devo vs Berlin

The May 4, 2013 soccer game featuring the North Haven Soccer Club U11 Girls devo team vs. Berlin in a first-round Connecticut Cup game.

NHSC & Ruby Tuesday’s Community GiveBack Program

The North Haven Soccer Club and Ruby Tuesday have teamed up for a 3-day Community GiveBack Program. On May 7th, 8th & 9th, grab your friends and family and a copy of the Community GiveBack

North Haven News: Episode 101 – April 26, 2013

In this episode of North Haven News: Highlights from the 3rd annual Ridge Road Parents vs. Teachers basketball game played at the North Haven High School gym on April 26, 2013.

North Haven Students Participate in Quinnipiac Unversity’s ‘Kaleidoscope of Creativity’ Art Exhibit

Too often in schools today, the arts are overshadowed by efforts to raise achievement in mathematics, science and English language arts. The School of Education at Quinnipiac University set out to change that on April 23, by hosting theopening of

Mike Freda Education Budget

1st Selectman Addresses Recent Concerns and Confusion About the BOE Budget

[box]by Chris Kirby[/box] At the April 17th Board of Finance meeting, First Selectman Mike Freda took a few minutes to address the Board and the members of the audience about some concerns and confusion that

First Niagara

First Niagara Announces $2.4 Million Commercial Loan to Support North Haven Pharmaceutical Analytics Provider

First Niagara Financial Group (Nasdaq: FNFG) announced today that it has completed a 10-year, $2.4 million loan to SK PT, LLC (SK PT), a North Haven-based real estate holding entity. The business owner of SK

Understanding Connecticut’s New Gun Laws

Sen. Len Fasano and Rep. Dave Yaccarino will hold a public meeting to answer questions about Connecticut’s new gun laws passed April 3rd and signed into law on April 4th. The meeting will be held Monday, April 22,

Kevin Basmadjian

Kevin Basmadjian Named Dean of the School of Education at Quinnipiac University

Kevin Basmadjian, of North Haven, has been promoted to dean of the School of Education at Quinnipiac University. “Since joining Quinnipiac in June 2004, Kevin has consistently demonstrated a deep commitment to student learning, faculty development and university