Competition Is Healthy for Bakers!
If you are a male and you love to bake, you should know that there is a competition for you in North Haven! The Ridge Road PTA is sponsoring a “Honey-Do Men’s Bake-Off” on Friday, October …

Quinnipiac University to Screen ‘Escape Fire: The Fight to Rescue American Healthcare’ Sept. 17
Quinnipiac University’s Primary Care Progress chapter will present a screening of “Escape Fire: The Fight to Rescue American Healthcare” at 6 p.m. on Tuesday, Sept. 17, in the auditorium at the Center for Medicine, Nursing and Health …

Capitol Tours: Take One, They’re Free!
[box]Elona Vaisnys on the armrest of Sen. Fasano’s chair in the Senate chamber.[/box] In just August, more than 1,000 visitors took a state capitol tour in Hartford given by the League of Women Voters, LWV. …