All posts by Chris

North Haven to Receive School Security Funding

Legislative leaders in Hartford recently announced $5 million is being made immediately available to municipalities in the first round of school security funding under a Competitive Grant Program. The program was introduced following the tragedy at Sandy Hook Elementary School last December

QU Theater

Quinnipiac University Theater for Community Announces 2013-2014 Production Schedule

Quinnipiac University Theater for Community announced today that it will perform four productions during the 2013-2014 academic year. The season will kick off with the senior spotlight performance of “Mauritius,” Oct. 8-13, in the Black Box Theater

Hamden-North Haven LWV Leaders at Dinner

[box]left to right: Elona Vaisnys, Erika Forsa, Miriam Brody, Lori Esposito, Jackie MacKnight, Louise Brundage, Jane Shaw, and Mary Bigelow[/box] At the Sept. 12 League of Women Voters of Connecticut “POWERING OUR VOICES” dinner that drew


Competition Is Healthy for Bakers!

If you are a male and you love to bake, you should know that there is a competition for you in North Haven! The Ridge Road PTA is sponsoring a “Honey-Do Men’s Bake-Off” on Friday, October

Quinnipiac University’s School of Education Appoints Three New Faculty Members

[box](left to right) Ruth Schwartz, Judith Falaro and Christina Pavlak[/box] Three new professors have joined the faculty in the School of Education at Quinnipiac University. The new faculty members are Judith Falaro, of North Haven, visiting assistant professor of education; Christina Pavlak, of

Frank Netter School Dedication

More Than 300 Attend the Dedication of the Frank H. Netter MD School of Medicine at Quinnipiac University

[box]Quinnipiac University Chairman of the Board of Trustees Richard Howard, Jean Lange, founding dean of the School of Nursing, Dr. Bruce Koeppen, founding dean of the Frank H. Netter MD School of Medicine, Kimberly Hartmann,

Rockville Bank

Rockville Bank Announces Plans for North Haven Branch

William H.W. Crawford, IV, President and Chief Executive Officer of Rockville Bank and Rockville Financial, Inc. (RCKB), today announced the Company’s plans to open a full-service banking branch in North Haven, Conn., making it the

Escape Fire Movie

Quinnipiac University to Screen ‘Escape Fire: The Fight to Rescue American Healthcare’ Sept. 17

Quinnipiac University’s Primary Care Progress chapter will present a screening of “Escape Fire: The Fight to Rescue American Healthcare” at 6 p.m. on Tuesday, Sept. 17, in the auditorium at the Center for Medicine, Nursing and Health

Elona Vaisnys

Capitol Tours: Take One, They’re Free!

[box]Elona Vaisnys on the armrest of Sen. Fasano’s chair in the Senate chamber.[/box] In just August, more than 1,000 visitors took a state capitol tour in Hartford given by the League of Women Voters, LWV.

Quinnipiac University

Quinnipiac University to Host Information Sessions for Graduate Students in October and November

Quinnipiac University will host three information sessions for prospective graduate students in October and November. The first session, scheduled for Wednesday, Oct. 16, will begin at 5:30 p.m. on the Mount Carmel Campus. This session is for prospective graduate

An Gorta Mór

Ireland’s Great Hunger Museum at Quinnipiac University to Celebrate One-Year Anniversary

[box]Robert Ballagh’s stained glass window, “An Gorta Mór,” is among the many pieces of art at Ireland’s Great Hunger Museum at Quinnipiac University, 3011 Whitney Ave., Hamden.[/box] Ireland’s Great Hunger Museum at Quinnipiac University will celebrate

Couple Contributes $1 Million to Create the William and Barbara Weldon Chair in Rehabilitation Medicine

A vice chairman of Quinnipiac University’s Board of Trustees and his wife, both alumni of the university,  have donated $1 million to endow a chair in Quinnipiac’s new Frank H. Netter MD School of Medicine. The university has