Republicans to Hold Monday Public Hearing on Democrats’ Massive Tax Hike Proposal
Senate Minority Leader Len Fasano (R-North Haven) and House Republican Leader Themis Klarides (R-Derby) announced that Senate and House Republicans will host a Monday public hearing to allow residents and businesses to speak out regarding the Democrats’ proposal to hike state taxes by $2.4 billion.

Yaccarino Votes Against Massive Democrat Tax Hikes
State Representative Dave Yaccarino (R-87) today cast his vote against a massive tax increase package offered by majority Democrats on the Finance, Revenue and Bonding Committee which would include a $40.6 billion plan that increases taxes an incredible $1.131 billion in FY 16 and $709.3 million in FY 17.

North Haven Soccer Club College Scholarship Program
The North Haven Soccer Club is giving $500 college scholarships to two current or former members of the NHSC who are heading off to college.

Sen. Fasano & CT Republicans Unveil Blueprint for Prosperity
Scrapping Gov. Malloy’s budget proposal, House and Senate Republicans today offered their plan, a Blueprint for Prosperity, which accomplishes what the governor could not: it is balanced, under the spending cap, restores vital social service programs for the neediest and reforms taxes, while instituting government reforms to save hundreds of millions in the coming two years.

Yaccarino, Republicans outline Blueprint for Prosperity
Rep. Dave Yaccarino (R-87) along with Republican lawmakers revealed a two-year $40 billion spending plan for Connecticut that is honest, restores critical funding and addresses immediate needs, during a press conference on Friday morning.

Quinnipiac University nursing students selected to attend Student Policy Summit in Washington D.C.
Claire Hardin, of New Haven, left, and Brooke Phelan, of Milford, recently attended the 2015 American Association of Colleges of Nursing (AACN) Student Policy Summit in Washington, D.C.

Lisa O’Connor of East Haddam promoted to associate dean of the Quinnipiac University School of Nursing
Lisa O’Connor, of East Haddam, director and chair of undergraduate nursing, has been promoted to associate dean of the Quinnipiac University School of Nursing.

Bird Hike at Peter’s Rock Park
Mike Horn of the New Haven Bird Club will once again lead a bird hike through Peter’s Rock Park.

Rep. Yaccarino Keeps His Campaign Promise of Monthly Coffee Hours
Rep. Dave Yaccarino recently discussed with constituents issues facing Connecticut like taxes, budget deficits and cuts to the most vulnerable population – seniors, as well as residents with intellectual and developmental disabilities.

Board-certified forensic anthropologist to lecture April 23 at Quinnipiac University
Kristen Hartnett, a board-certified forensic anthropologist at the state Office of the Chief Medical Examiner, will present the lecture, “50 Ways to Hide (and Uncover!) A Body: Tales from a Forensic Anthropologist,” from 1-2 p.m. on Thursday, April 23, in the Clarice L. Buckman Theater at Quinnipiac University.

Gay stand-up comedian to perform at Quinnipiac University April 17 to mark Day of Silence
Adam Sank, one of the most recognized openly gay stand-up comics in the country, will perform at Quinnipiac University on Friday, April 17, at 7 p.m. in the Carl Hansen Student Center dining hall on the Mount Carmel Campus.

Hunter Pageau Featured on “Nyberg”
Hunter Pageau and his mother Sharon talk to Ann Nyberg about living with SMARD and his efforts to raise awareness about Spinal Muscular Atrophy Respiratory Distress.