Retired judge to discuss Connecticut’s child welfare and juvenile justice systems
The Hon. Clarance Jones, a retired Superior Court judge, will discuss his novel, “Triumph,” which is about Connecticut’s child welfare and juvenile justice systems, from 4:30-6 p.m. on Tuesday, Oct. 20, in the Lynne L. Pantalena Law Library, Room 221, in the Quinnipiac University School of Law Center, 370 Bassett Road. This event is free and open to the public.

Quinnipiac’s University presence in North Haven continues to grow
Quinnipiac University’s enrollment figures for the 2015-2016 academic year are right in line with the university’s growth plan, which was approved by the Board of Trustees during the 2007-2008 academic year, President John L. Lahey announced today.

North Haven professor receives $278,385 research grant
Alexandre de Lencastre of North Haven, assistant professor of biology at Quinnipiac University, has received a $278,385 grant from the National Institute on Aging of the National Institutes of Health to further research the function of microRNAs in aging and stress resistance in the model organisms C. elegans, a small, transparent roundworm.

North Haven resident to perform in ‘The Servant of Two Masters’
Quinnipiac University Theater for Community will present Carlo Goldoni’s raucous, rapid-fire farce, “The Servant of Two Masters,” from Oct. 15-18 in the Clarice L. Buckman Theater at Quinnipiac, 275 Mount Carmel Ave.

Dr. Charles Atkins to deliver keynote at daylong program on Alzheimer’s disease Nov. 9 at Quinnipiac University
Dr. Charles Atkins, chief medical officer at Community Mental Health Affiliates, LLC. Dr. Charles Atkins, chief medical officer at Community Mental Health Affiliates, LLC, will be the keynote speaker at the daylong workshop, “Alzheimer’s and …

State Budget Cuts: Short Sighted to Say the Least
On September 18, Governor Malloy single-handedly passed $103 million in new budget cuts, including $63.4 million in reduced Medicaid payments to hospitals. The result of these cuts would increase hospitals’ tax liability to the state by over $267 million between fiscal year 2015 and fiscal year 2016, raising the state tax burden for hospitals to almost $500 million annually.

Quinnipiac University to host information sessions for prospective graduate students
Quinnipiac University will host five information sessions in October and November for prospective graduate students.

Panel discussion on the link between animal and human abuse to be held Oct. 8 at QU School of Law Center
The Quinnipiac University School of Law’s Animal Law Society and the Connecticut Bar Association’s Animal Law Section will present the panel discussion, “The Violence Gateway: From Animal Abuse to Domestic Abuse and Beyond,” from 4 to 7:30 p.m. on Thursday, Oct. 8.

Quinnipiac University nursing & game design students collaborate to create video game to teach students about arterial blood gas analysis
ABG Rush, a video game that aims to teach nursing students ABG analysis, is the product of a year-long collaboration between Quinnipiac University’s School of Nursing and the game design and development program.

Documentary on college sexual assaults to be screened Oct. 21 at Quinnipiac University
A screening of “The Hunting Ground,” a documentary that explores the rampant issue of sexual assault on college campuses across the country, will take place at 7 p.m. on Wednesday, Oct. 21.

Republicans Question Governor’s Budget Cuts Threatening Connecticut Hospitals
Senate & House Republicans are standing in support of Connecticut hospitals as they oppose Governor Dannel P. Malloy’s $103 million in new budget cuts, including $63.4 million in reduced Medicaid payments to hospitals.

Fasano, Yaccarino, Freda Welcome Federal Grant to Support Transit-Oriented Development in North Haven
Senator Len Fasano, Representative Dave Yaccarino and First Selectman Michael Freda today applauded a $700,000 grant from the Federal Transit Administration awarded to the State of Connecticut to conduct a study of transit-oriented development (TOD) opportunities in the New Haven-Hartford-Springfield rail corridor, also known as the Hartford Line.