All posts by Chris

Looney, Fasano Receive CSMS Legislative Awards

The Connecticut State Medical Society honored the two highest-ranking members of the Connecticut State Senate, President Pro Tempore Martin Looney (D-New Haven) and Senate Minority leader Len Fasano (R-North Haven) for their commitment and dedication

Internationally acclaimed longevity expert Dr. Bill Thomas to keynote at Quinnipiac University

Internationally acclaimed longevity expert Dr. Bill Thomas will be the keynote speaker at the forum, “Revolutionize Aging: A Masters Level Discussion on Disrupt Aging,” on Tuesday, Sept. 27.

Quinnipiac University to host two information sessions for prospective graduate students Nov. 5

Quinnipiac University will host two information sessions on Saturday, Nov. 5, for prospective graduate students on its North Haven Campus, 370 Bassett Road.

Pepperdine law professor to explore global mediation trends and challenges at Quinnipiac University School of Law Center

Stipanowich will take stock of the global expansion of mediation practice and related challenges, including the wide variations in mediation practice, the impact of lawyers on mediation and the appropriate interplay between client and counsel in making process choices.

Quinnipiac University’s Nurse Anesthesia Program receives national award at 2016 American Association of Nurse Anesthetists Congress

Quinnipiac was honored for best use of the AANA’s “CRNAs: The Future of Anesthesia Care Today” campaign to promote the nurse anesthesia profession by an individual, organization or state association.

Shred Day Is Coming!

Cost is $10.00 for up to 30 lbs. of shredding. All shredding will be done onsite by Secure Eco Shred and will take only minutes.

Sen. Fasano Named 2016 “Children’s Champion”

Senate Minority Leader Len Fasano was presented with the 2016 “Children’s Champion” award by the Connecticut Early Childhood Alliance for his leadership on issues related to Connecticut’s young children.

QU School of Law Center

QU School of Law to host symposium on Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia

“A Symposium on the Life and Career of Justice Antonin Scalia” will take place on Thursday, Oct. 6, from 6-8:30 p.m. in the Ceremonial Courtroom at the Quinnipiac University School of Law Center, 370 Basset Road.

Quinnipiac University appoints Adam Barrett as associate vice president and dean of law admissions

Barrett brings a wealth of experience to the position. He most recently worked as associate dean of admissions and financial aid at New York Law School.

FAST Tournament Champs!

The North Haven girls continue their winning ways by winning the U13 Division at Fairfield’s Fall Annual Soccer Tournament (FAST) Labor Day weekend.

CT Chapter of NOW endorses Democrat Steve Gifford

The Connecticut Chapter of the National Organization for Women has endorsed North Haven Democrat Steve Gifford for State Representative in 2016.

Founder and CEO of Girls Who Code to lecture at Quinnipiac University

Saujani created Girls Who Code to close the gender gap in technology. The organization has gone from 20 girls in New York to 10,000 girls in 42 states who learn about computer science through a variety of real-world projects in several areas, including art and storytelling, robotics, video games, websites and app development.