All posts by Chris


Op-Ed: How Much More Can We Pay?

Connecticut does not have a revenue problem; we have a spending problem.

Spring Bulk Pickup Schedule

Bulk pick-up will last two full weeks of April.

The People’s United Center for Women & Business at Quinnipiac to host ‘America’s Marketing Motivator’ April 8

Guest speaker Kathy McAfee, a Connecticut businesswoman known as “America’s Marketing Motivator,” will discuss personal branding and how professionals can strategically position themselves for greater success.

Holocaust survivor Endre Sarkany of New Haven to speak at Quinnipiac University on April 4

The speaking engagement, which is sponsored by Quinnipiac’s Jewish Law Students’ Association, is free and open to the public.

North Haven Informational Tolls Forum

With the governor’s recent budget address including more than fifty tolls expected on all major highways across the state, this event will allow area residents to share their concerns, get their questions answered, and discuss potential alternatives.

North Haven Soccer Club Scholarship

North Haven Soccer Club College Scholarship

The North Haven Soccer Club is giving $500 college scholarships to two current or former members of the NHSC who are heading off to college.

Quinnipiac University School of Law to host symposium on sex trafficking March 22

The symposium will bring together legal and medical experts, advocates and survivors to explore emerging public health issues in the battle against sex trafficking.

Sen. Fasano Joins Families, Advocates Urging Support for Individuals with Disabilities

The annual event gives people with intellectual and developmental disabilities and their families the opportunity to speak directly to legislators about the challenges they face.

Rep. Yaccarino Testifies To Increase Property Tax Abatement for First Responders

Connecticut currently has over 26,000 active firefighters; about 22,000 of these are volunteers, which amount to about 80 percent.

Quinnipiac University to host two information sessions for prospective graduate students March 23

Both sessions will feature an overview of graduate admissions and financial aid. Students also will have an opportunity to participate in breakout sessions with the program directors.

Quinnipiac University raises school record amount for United Way of Greater New Haven

Donors at the university who contributed to the campaign are housing the homeless, feeding the hungry, preparing children for school success and helping families get jobs through United Way’s programs and initiatives.

Quinnipiac University to present free lecture, ‘Lifestyle Medicine: The Common Sense Solution to the Chronic Illness Epidemic,’ on Feb. 27

Saray Stancic, MD, founder of Stancic Health and Wellness, LLC, will discuss preventing, treating and managing chronic illness through lifestyle changes.