Episode 3: March 7, 2008
This is the March 7th episode of the North Haven News. In this show: the Board of Education approves the budget; Vincent Palmeri sues the town; and the North Haven town website gets some upgrades.

It’s snowing. (Sorry for the lack of updates. Winter break and a nasty stomach virus got the better of me.)

Episode 2: January 30th, 2008
Episode 2 of the North Haven News. Stories include CAPT test results, free showing of An Inconvenient Truth, North Haven Info blog shuts down and men’s hockey team wins.

Episode 1: January 17th, 2008
Transparent Government, BOE Elections, Voter Registration & Shoreline Football Title

1st Selectman Election Results
This show features the results from Election Day 2007 in which democrat Janet McCarty defeated incumbent Kevin Kopets for the office of 1st Selectman of the Town of North Have, CT.

1st Selectman Debate on NHTV
For those of you who don’t get NHTV at home, here’s the televised debate between Kevin Kopetz (R) and Janet McCarty (D) who are campaigning for the office of First Selectman here in North Haven. …

Oct. 10, 2007: Hello, North Haven!
Hi, and welcome to my little experiment in hyper-local broadcasting. I want to bring to you – in video format – a quick recap of the news stories that are making headlines in our town. …