All posts by Chris

Shred Day Is Coming!

Shred Day will be taking place on Saturday, March 27, 2010, from 9 am-1 pm at Ridge Road Elementary School. You can purchase a pre-sale shred bag for $10.00 and bring it back full the

Blood Drive at Ridge Road Elementary

Ridge Road Elementary School’s PTA is holding a blood drive for Make a Difference Day on April 5, 2010. The blood drive is dedicated to Madelina LaDore, a first grade student at Ridge Road Elementary

Episode 63: March 5, 2010

In this episode of the North Haven News: Board of Education Budget Approved; Ethics Board Update; Republican to Challenge State Rep. Steve Fontana; Boys Basketball Wins 1st SCC Championship.

Episode 62: February 16th Snow

In this episode of North Haven News: Scenes from a beautiful early morning snowfall.

Episode 61: February 5, 2010

In this episode of the North Haven News, the students at Ridge Road Elementary School raise money for relief efforts in Haiti.

Episode 60: January 18, 2010

Highlights from the North Haven Clean Energy Task Force’s Solar Energy Forum, held at the town library on January 9th, 2010. North Haven Clean Energy Task Force CT Clean Energy Fund CT Energy Info Sunlight

Episode 59: January 7, 2009

In this episode of North Haven News, I take a closer look at “ClearLane,” the new roadway deicing product that the town started using to melt the ice and snow off the roads this winter.


Episode 58: December 28, 2009

With the end of the year upon us, I look back on 2009, and tell you what you can expect from North Haven News in 2010.


Episode 57: December 21, 2009

In this episode of the North Haven News: Michael Freda inherits problems at Town Hall; Michael Betz retires; Bert Mozealous elected Board of Ed. Secretary.


Episode 56: “The Three Questions”

Ridge Road Elementary School presents “The Three Questions” – a musical based on John Muth’s adaptation of Leo Tolstoy’s short story. Conceived and developed by Julie Mountcastle and Jeff Rhone, the musical score was developed


Episode 55: WTNH’s “Purpose”

North Haven’s Anthem Blue Cross Blue Shield was recently featured on WTNH’s special presentation, “Purpose.” You can watch the Anthem segment here. We often hear about giving back, during the holiday season. This year, Purpose,


Episode 54: December 11, 2009

Still looking for that perfect holiday gift for that special someone? In this episode of the North Haven News, I introduce you to my favorite gadget and show you how you can watch North Haven