All posts by Chris

Outgoing Selectman Reflects on 18 Years of Public Service

[box]by Fred Mustane / North Haven Patch[/box] When he steps down from the North Haven Board of Selectmen after this week’s election, Steve Fontana will not hold any appointed or elected government office for the

The Troubling Connecticut Power Failure

[box]by Rob Cox / The New York Times[/box] The moneyed folk inhabiting the Connecticut environs of the hedge fund town Greenwich wield plenty of power. But many of them have lately been powerless. For the

Power in North Haven Has Been Fully Restored

[box]from United Illuminating[/box] The United Illuminating Company has completed major restoration efforts in its service territory and has released its crews to help restore electric service to the rest of the state. In all, UI

CL&P Remains Confident About Restoration Estimates, Dismisses Rumors

[box]by Christine Stuart /[/box] Expressing frustration with the length of time it’s taking to get out-of-state crews to Connecticut to help turn the power back on, Gov. Dannel P. Malloy said the head of Connecticut’s

$9 Million Needed to Upgrade 4 North Haven Firehouses

[box]By Ann DeMatteo / Special to the Post-Chronicle[/box] It’s a tight fit at Montowese Fire Company 2, where there’s little room for firefighters to don gear and board the apparatus. Because of the tight space, the

Episode 94: October 30, 2011

In the wake of the freak October snowstorm, we get to the source of the power outage on Buell St.

Episode 93: October 29, 2011

In this episode of North Haven News: A rare October Nor’easter hits Connecticut. Watch as the snow starts to fall and builds to a heavy snowstorm.

Dave Yaccarino

Op-Ed: Yaccarino Applauds Jobs Bill

State Representative Dave Yaccarino (R-87) hailed passage of a bipartisan jobs bill that supports Connecticut employers and will encourage job growth across the state. During a special session on jobs, legislative Republicans and Democrats came

Quinnipiac Chamber of Commerce Debate

[box]Video Courtesy: NHTV[/box] The Quinnipiac Chamber of Commerce hosted a North Haven Candidate’s Forum on October 21, 8-10am at the North Haven Holiday Inn. Participating in the event were First Selectman Michael Freda, Democratic Party Candidate Walter Spader,

U.S. Postal Service Officials Say the Town Will Retain Post Office

[box]by: Kyle Swartz / North Haven Citizen[/box] Despite what residents may have believed based on a potentially confusing mailer, no U.S. Postal Service (USPS) locations in North Haven are expected to be discounted, according to USPS

North Haven Unemployment Drops to 7.6%

[box]by Ben Lasman / North Haven Patch[/box] According to numbers released by the CT Department of Labor at the end of last week, North Haven’s unemployment rate decreased to 7.6% in September, down from 8.5% the

Project Representatives Discuss Proposed Firehouse Renovations

[box]By Kyle Swartz | North Haven Citizen[/box] Local firefighters are requesting that voters approve a $9.2 million bonding package for major renovations to North Haven’s one professional and three volunteer firehouses. The suggested bonding will be