All posts by Chris

Clintonville Ban a Tough Nut to Crack?

[box]by Ben Lasman / North Haven Patch[/box] Discussing Clintonville Elementary’s recent decision to ban nuts in school due to student allergies, Chris Peterson wrote today on the North Haven Way: What if a couple of children

Senate Redistricting Redraws 34th

[box]by Ben Lasman and Jenn McCulloch / North Haven Patch[/box] The 2011 State Senate Redistricting Plan will see Len Fasano’s 34th District, typically encompassing East Haven, North Haven, and Wallingford, redrawn to encompass the western third of Durham,

Snow Days, Delays, and Early Dismissals

[box]by: Dr. Robert E. Cronin, Ph.D. / Superintendent of Schools[/box] Dear Parents and Guardians, Well, like it or not, it’s that time of year again. As we begin to enter the winter season, I thought this would be a

Quinnipiac University Nurse Practitioner and Physician Assistant Students Support Operation Christmas Child

[box]pictured: Quinnipiac University physician assistant students Emma Banks, left, Madeline Santiago, Stephanie Lenihan, Sarah Normandin and Jessie Dorne wrap shoe boxes as part of Operation Christmas Child.[/box] North Haven, Conn. – Nov. 29, 2011 – Nurse practitioner and physician assistant students at Quinnipiac

Two Arrested for Car Break-Ins & Drug Possession

[box]Press Release[/box] North Haven police reports that today (Nov. 21), two men were arrested for breaking into several vehicles in town and were subsequently found to be in possession of cocaine. Two vehicles in the

North Haven’s Inaugural Ceremony

On Wednesday, November 30, 2011, North Haven’s Inaugural Ceremony for all newly elected members of the Town’s boards and commissions will take place.  These elected officials will hold office as representatives of both the majority

Op-Ed: Important Post-Storm Insurance Info

[box]By State Representative David Yaccarino (R-North Haven)[/box] In light of the severe property damage associated with Tropical Storm Irene and Winter Storm Alfred I wanted to pass along important information regarding insurance and other recovery

North Haven Legislators Environmentally Friendly, Report Shows

[box]by Ben Lasman / North Haven Patch[/box] Both State Senator Len Fasano and State Representative David Yaccarino scored well on this year’s Environmental Scorecard issued by the CT League of Conservation Voters (CTLCV). Designed to give

Freda Re-Elected

Vote totals show Michael Freda easily re-elected as 1st Selectman with 85% of the vote. Tim Doheny re-elected as 2nd Selectman, and Alan Sturtz garners more votes than running mate Walt Spader to win as

Problems at the Polls? Report Them Here!

Are you having a problem at your polling place? You can keep your neighbors and key public officials informed about voting irregularities by publicly documenting them in real time here with SeeClickFix and North Haven

Vote 2011 Ballot

If you want to see who you’ll be voting for today, here’s a link to the two-sided ballot you’ll be receiving at your polling place. Remember, polls are open from 6am to 8pm today. Get

Economic Development and Leadership the Top Issues in North Haven Election

[box]by Ann DeMatteo / Special to the Post-Chronicle[/box] NORTH HAVEN — Economic development and which candidate can best take North Haven into the future have emerged as main issues in the race for first selectman.