Month: December 2023

North Haven Police Capt. Christopher Thorpe (left), Chief of Police Kevin Glenn (second from right), and Capt. Joe Woznyk (right) join Sen. Paul Cicarella after his acceptance of a CPCA Carrol J. Hughes Legislator of the Year Award at the organization’s winter meeting on Dec. 14 in Bristol.
Sen. Cicarella Honored by CT Police Chiefs’ Association
The CPCA Carroll J. Hughes Legislator of the Year award is named in honor of longtime lobbyist Carroll J. Hughes and is presented annually to lawmakers who have worked to support initiatives and legislation important to law enforcement.

Quinnipiac University students recently created 40 blankets for kids and families supported by Ronald McDonald House in New Haven.
Quinnipiac nursing students and sorority members join hands to make blankets for Ronald McDonald House
The two-hour blitz of blanket-building drew over 100 student volunteers to the piazza on the Mount Carmel Campus.

(L-R) Larry Lazaroff, Eileen Frank and Rep. Dave Yaccarino. Photo courtesy: CT House Republicans.
Rep. Yaccarino Hosts Successful Winter Clothing Drive with Columbus House
The effort focused on providing homeless and insecure veterans in the North Haven area with new winter essentials, like hats, gloves, and warm underwear.