Curbside leaf pickup begins Oct. 31st and runs through Nov. 25, 2022. Click here for complete schedule.
Guidelines for Residential Leaf Collection
1. Bulk leaves must be placed at the curb not in the street or across sidewalks. Placing leaves in the street is a violation of Town Ordinance Sec. 180-11.
2. NO PLASTIC BAGS! Leaves may be brown-bagged and placed at the curb. Please note there will be no separate pick up for bagged leaves. Bagged leaves will be collected with bulk leaves. Brown bags must be at the curb on the designated collection week.
3. Bulk leaves are collected from residential properties Monday through Friday in accordance with the established schedule (listed below) and as weather conditions allow. In the event of a snow storm or other emergency, leaf collection will be temporarily suspended. Leaves are collected in the Fall only.
4. Bulk leaves must be placed at the curb by 5 a.m. on the Monday of your street’s designated collection week.
5. Avoid parking vehicles in the street during the collection period in your area. Do not park cars in or adjacent to any pile(s) of leaves.
6. Do not mix branches with bulk or bagged leaves. These may be cut, bundled and tied for removal during normal refuse collection. The Town may refuse service if branches are mixed with leaves in order to protect workers and equipment.
7. If leaves begin to blow around, we suggest wetting the pile or making a small enclosure from chicken wire or snow fencing in which to hold the leaves.
8. Do not allow leaves to accumulate in/around storm drains or ditch lines to reduce the risk of flooding. (See Guideline #1.)
9. Town schedules have been established to reflect the traditional volume of leaves in various areas. High volume areas are normally collected first.
10. Weather permitting, FO may conduct a second bulk collection in those areas with a high volume of leaves.
11. Your cooperation with the above guidelines will enable FO staff to deliver effective services to you and your neighbors.
12. Residents may bring leaves year-round to the Recycling Center on Elm Street. The Recycling Center is open: Monday to Friday from 8 a.m. to 11:45 a.m. and Saturday from 8:00 a.m. to 1:45 p.m. Brown biodegradable bags of leaves may be left in the designated leaf disposal area. Leaves in plastic bags must be emptied from the bags into the designated disposal area. Residents should plan to use this facility for leaves from their yard during the Spring.