Month: July 2019

Bikers Against Animal Cruelty 12th Annual Motorcycle Rally and Pet Adoption
There will be live music all day long with Murray The Wheel, Sumo Sidecar, Al & Steve’s Acoustic Soup and Rescue Dog’s Band.

North Haven Legislators Host 9th Annual Cookout & Conversation
The lawmakers provided an update regarding the 2019 Legislative Session that concluded on June 5th and discussed issues pertaining to the state budget, increased taxes, and tolls with nearly 70 residents that were in attendance.

Op-Ed: New Laws Effective July 1, 2019
As of July 1st, there are a number of new laws that went into effect. I want to make you aware of this information as some of these new laws, including the budget, will add financial pressure on Connecticut residents and businesses.

Rep. Yaccarino Attends Signing Ceremony for Laotian Hmong Veteran Burial Rights
Hmong veterans fought alongside American troops in Laos throughout the Vietnam War, but prior to the passage of this legislation, they were ineligible to be buried in federally-recognized Veterans cemeteries in Connecticut.

North Haven Soccer Club 2019 Scholarship Winners Announced
Congratulations to Quinn Kirby and Camille Sahirul, the 2019 NHSC scholarship recipients!

LWV of Hamden-North Haven elects
The the League of Women Voters of Hamden/North Haven elected a new Steering Committee for a two year term at their annual dinner meeting.