Hamden High students and Sen. George Logan.
The 100 plus audience at the annual League of Women Voters (LWV) of Hamden-North Haven Breakfast with the Legislators asked many important questions regarding our state. Watch our legislators answer them on NHTV daily at 5:00 am, 1:00 pm, and 8:00 pm on NHTV2 (Comcast 20 or 1084, Frontier 6053) until the end of February and online anytime at NHTV.com.
In the audience at the Jan. 26 breakfast held at The Whitney Center in Hamden were Hamden mayor Curt B. Lang (LWV member) and North Haven First Selectman Mike Freda. Once again, an enthusiastic group of Hamden High students attended the event. To the delight of the organizers, a grandmother said that her granddaughter and a mother said that her son had persuaded them to attend the Breakfast and to become informed about what solutions Connecticut legislators are proposing to problems in our state.
Answering questions (including about school consolidation) were Rep. Michael D’Agostino, Sen. George Logan, Sen. Martin Looney, and Rep. Robyn Porter (LWV member). Reps. Josh Elliott and Dave Yaccarino were absent due to sickness; Sen. Len Fasano did not attend.
LWV welcomes as members men (since 1974) and women who wish to become better informed about how we govern ourselves at the municipal and state levels. LWV neither supports nor opposes political candidates and offers a non-partisan approach to civic information and participation. For information about the LWV of Hamden-North Haven, email or call 203/248-8035.