Day: January 23, 2019

Ireland’s Great Hunger Museum to host historian David W. Blight on Feb. 6
Blight lectures widely in the United States and around the world on the Civil War and the Reconstruction period, race relations, Frederick Douglass, W.E.B. Du Bois, and problems in public history and American historical memory.

Quinnipiac University to host, ‘Chronicles of the Great Irish Famine’ on Feb. 12
O’Rourke’s album, “Chronicles of the Great Irish Famine,” evokes the harsh truths of the Irish peasant’s life during the potato blight of 1845–52.

“Bipartisanship Separates Connecticut from Washington”
What separates Connecticut lawmakers from Washington politicians is that here in our state Republicans and Democrats can, have and will continue to work together to reach solutions.

Civility, Kindness and Unity
When working with my legislative colleagues on both sides of the political aisle, I believe that the peoples’ interests are best served when a government is united through compromise.