Republican President Pro Tempore Len Fasano (R-North Haven) released the following statement regarding the 2018 election.
“Today I want to announce that after considerable thought I have made the decision that I will not seek the Republican nomination for governor in 2018. I want to thank the many individuals who contacted me and encouraged me to run. I also want to thank my family and friends for their constant support as I came to this decision. My family has always encouraged and motivated me to work hard serving our state and would have supported my decision either way. This was a very difficult decision but in the end the impact to my family, who depend upon me and count on me every day, ultimately was the foundation for my decision.
“My original intention was to wait until the state budget was resolved to make a decision about running for governor. But as the budget process has persisted, and it does not seem likely that a vote will take place before the end of the month, I knew it was time to choose my path and let others know where I stand. It is only fair to the other hard working candidates, delegates, the party and the public to be upfront so that others can make important decisions to move the election process forward.
“I firmly believe Connecticut needs a Republican governor. Connecticut is a great state, but it is in trouble. People are suffering every day from huge financial burdens and the effects of a fiscally unstable state government. We need to move Connecticut in a different direction to create stability and restore confidence so we can grow opportunity for all people. We need a Republican leader in the governor’s seat who brings political parties and people together, who is sensitive to the needs of all economic levels, who understands the importance of supporting our cities, and who can grow a stable economy so we can fund core programs that are important to this state. Connecticut is ready to overcome our challenges and ready to change. I look forward to ushering in that change.
“I will continue my efforts to build a better future for our state through my work in the state Senate. I am truly blessed and honored to serve our great state and its people every day and I thank all those who have chosen me to represent their voices in Hartford.”