Category: Politics

Senator Len Fasano, Radiological Society of CT (RSC) President, Dr. David Klein, and RSC Legislative Chair, Dr. Thomas Farquhar.

Connecticut Radiologists Honor Senator Fasano

Sen. Fasano has played a leading role in passing legislation that expands the range of breast cancer screenings that are available to patients and that ensures patient safety comes first in limiting radiation for imaging tests such as a CT Scan or MRI.

Reps. Candelora, Yaccarino, Fishbein and Senator Fasano to Host Business Forum in Wallingford

The legislators will discuss important pieces of legislation that came before the General Assembly this year, including topics such as the state’s new paid family medical leave program, an increase to the minimum wage and changes to the pass-through entity tax.

Rep. Dave Yaccarino Attends Event to Help Veterans in Need

“Stand Down 2019” was held at the State Veterans home campus in Rocky Hill where more than 200,000 veterans in were eligible to participate in the event free of charge as long as they were able to provide proof of their veteran or military status.

Democrat “Meals Tax” Will Put 7.35% New Tax on Long List of Groceries Never Taxed Before, According to DRS

The tax will apply to not only prepared meals such as sandwiches, deli salads, pizza and hot buffet items, but also containers of lettuce, small packages of snacks, loose baked goods, wrapped salads, small servings of ice cream, and meal replacement bars.

Rep. Yaccarino Earns 100 Percent Voting Record

Representative Dave Yaccarino (R-87) achieved a perfect record for votes cast on the floor of the state House of Representatives during the 2019 legislative session. Representative Yaccarino was present and voted for all 392 votes taken

North Haven Legislators Host 9th Annual Cookout & Conversation

The lawmakers provided an update regarding the 2019 Legislative Session that concluded on June 5th and discussed issues pertaining to the state budget, increased taxes, and tolls with nearly 70 residents that were in attendance.

Dave Yaccarino

Op-Ed: New Laws Effective July 1, 2019

As of July 1st, there are a number of new laws that went into effect. I want to make you aware of this information as some of these new laws, including the budget, will add financial pressure on Connecticut residents and businesses.

Rep. Yaccarino Attends Signing Ceremony for Laotian Hmong Veteran Burial Rights

Hmong veterans fought alongside American troops in Laos throughout the Vietnam War, but prior to the passage of this legislation, they were ineligible to be buried in federally-recognized Veterans cemeteries in Connecticut.

LWV of Hamden-North Haven elects

The the League of Women Voters of Hamden/North Haven elected a new Steering Committee for a two year term at their annual dinner meeting.

Local Legislators Tour North Haven Amazon Fulfillment Center

The North Haven facility currently under construction and scheduled to open this summer will become the company’s second fulfillment center in Connecticut and is anticipated to create more than 1,500 new, full-time jobs.

Dave Yaccarino

Rep. Yaccarino, Bill to Increase Tax Abatement for Volunteer First Responders Passes House and Senate

The proposal would allow towns to increase the property tax abatement available to volunteer firefighters and other first responders at a level higher than the current $1,000.