Category: Politics

Dave Yaccarino

Rep. Yaccarino In Favor of Price Caps on Insulin

If passed, Connecticut will be one of the first states nationwide to regulate the cost of insulin.

Yaccarino Promotes Awareness of Rare Diseases

Throughout his tenure in the legislature, Yaccarino has championed on behalf of those impacted by rare diseases, more than 60 percent of whom are children.

From left, Jennifer Brown, Quinnipiac University’s interim executive vice president and provost, Fred McKinney, director of the People’s United Center for Innovation & Entrepreneurship at Quinnipiac, and Lt. Gov. Susan Bysiewicz. Bysiewicz discussed the importance of innovation and entrepreneurship to the state's economy to kick off the university’s spring speaker series Feb. 4. (Autumn Driscoll/Quinnipiac University).

Quinnipiac University’s Center for Innovation & Entrepreneurship hosts Lt. Gov. Susan Bysiewicz

Connecticut’s lieutenant governor discussed the importance of innovation and entrepreneurship to the state’s economy and the role of universities like Quinnipiac in this effort.

Rep. Yaccarino and Residents Talk Tolls during North Haven Forum

The event was scheduled to give residents an opportunity to speak with Rep. Yaccarino about issues affecting the district, bill proposal ideas, and other topics pertaining to state or local government.

Connecticut Lt. Gov. Susan Bysiewicz will be the first guest in a spring speaker series presented by the People’s United Center for Innovation & Entrepreneurship at Quinnipiac University. (Photo provided by office of Susan Bysiewicz).

Quinnipiac University’s Center for Innovation & Entrepreneurship to host Lt. Gov. Susan Bysiewicz on Feb. 4

Bysiewicz will discuss the importance of innovation and entrepreneurship to the state’s economy and the role of universities like Quinnipiac in this effort.

(l to r): Steve Bartlett, Program Director, Project Management Office – Medtronic; Anthony Medici, Senior Manufacturing Manager – Medtronic; Joe Brennan, CEO & President, Connecticut Business & Industry Association (CBIA); Matt Cohen, Vice President of Research & Development – Medtronic (Surgical Solutions); Jeff Varesio, Senior Strategic Sourcing Director – Medtronic; State Senator President Pro-Tempore Martin Looney (D-New Haven); Connecticut Department of Economic Community Development (CTDECD) Commissioner David Lehman; Aryn Wadadli, Vice President, Legal – Medtronic; Kari Mull, Manager Technology Scouting – Medtronic; State Representative Dave Yaccarino (R-North Haven); Dr. Paul Pescatello, Chair, Connecticut Business & Industry Association (CBIA); and Carol Kennedy, Senior Human Resources Manager – Medtronic.

Rep. Yaccarino Visits Medtronics in North Haven

The mission of Medtronics is to contribute to human welfare by application of biomedical engineering in the research, design, manufacture, and sale of instruments or appliances that alleviate pain, restore health, and extend life.


Yaccarino Re-Election Campaign Announcement

My goals will be to continue to advocate for better jobs, a fiscally sound state budget, local education, veterans, seniors, the needy, public safety, and to improve our state’s healthcare.

North Haven Legislators Invite Residents to ‘People, Pizza and Policies’

The event will allow residents the opportunity to speak with the legislators about issues affecting the district, bill proposal ideas, and other topics pertaining to state or local government.

State Representative Dave Yaccarino (R-87) held a January Legislative Coffee Hour event titled “Coffee with your Legislators,” on Friday, January 3, 2020 at McDonald’s located on 129 Washington Avenue in North Haven. Rep. Yaccarino and Sen. Fasano host this opportunity to meet with constituents in-district on the first Friday of every month from 8-9 a.m.

Rep. Yaccarino Hosts First Coffee Hour of the Year

State Representative Dave Yaccarino (R-87) met with the people of North Haven to discuss issues affecting the district, bill proposal ideas, or other topics pertaining to state or local government.

Winter Clothing and Coat Drive Nets 1,000+ in Donations

Donations to Benefit Veterans and Individuals in Need

Photo by Zhang Kenny on Unsplash

Winter Clothing and Coat Drive

The event begins November 1st and runs through November 29th with a drop off ceremony on Saturday, November 30th.

Rep. Yaccarino and Sen. Fasano to Host Suicide Prevention Training in North Haven

QPR training deals with the prevention of suicide by teaching ordinary citizens how to recognize a mental health emergency and how to get a person at risk the help they need.