Category: Politics

Episode 35: May 20, 2009
Results from Tuesday’s referendum vote.

Episode 34: May 7, 2009
Board of Finance Approves $81.4 Million Budget; Police Union A Resounding “No” To Concessions Request.

Episode 32: April 9, 2009
Unexpected Board of Education Cuts; Property Tax Increase; Five New Resolutions Passed; North Haven Trail Association Launches New Website.

Episode 31: March 16, 2009
Timothy Doheny to run on Republican ticket in November; J. Michael Betz appointed director of finance-administration; Town limits transfer station trips.

Episode 30: February 23, 2009
Michael J. Freda announces he’ll run for the office of First Selectman against Janet McCarty in November; North Haven Republicans launch a new website.

Episode 29: February 9, 2009
Janet McCarty announces she’ll run for re-election; BOE budget increase; Town budget process begins.

Episode 28: January 21, 2009
Pay your municipal bills online. Burglary ring busted. Join me on Facebook.

Episode 27: January 7, 2009
Manslaughter charges in the Nicole Stepen case; Town signs new garbage contract; NHTV receives State grant; North Haven News now has it’s own YouTube channel.

Episode 25: December 15, 2008
The NHEF is tops in the state; town employee pay raise controversy; & new finance director announced.

Episode 23: November 18, 2008
Police sign a new contract; Ridge Road’s “Shred Day;” and the football team wins!

Episode 22: Vote 2008
Results from Election Day 2008: Barack Obama (D) defeats John McCain (R) to become the 44th President of the United States, and Steve Fontana (D) defeats Veronica Kivela (R) to remain District 87’s State Representative. …

Episode 20: October 24, 2008
In this episode of the North Haven News: A New Energy Plan for North Haven; The North Haven Education Association is honored with the Connecticut Consortium of Education Foundations’ 2008 Award; Sen. Len Fasano Visits …