Category: Politics


Quinnipiac Chamber of Commerce Candidates Forum 2009

The debate between Janet McCarty and Mike Freda, sponsored by the Quinnipiac Chamber of Commerce. Video courtesy NHTV.


Local Union 455 Supports Mike Freda

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE OCTOBER 12, 2009 RICHARD MONICO CAMPAIGN CHAIRMAN (203) 772-2420 Richard Monico, Campaign Chairman, for the Mike Freda for First Selectman effort in the Town of North Haven, announced that Mike has won


Young Republicans “Fall Festival”

For Immediate Release October 10, 2009 For more information: Jean Pieper at (203) 239-1248 or Deborah Ward-O’Brien (203) 494-8459 The North Haven Young Republicans, along with the Republican Town Committee and the Committee to Elect


NHTV’s “The 2009 Candidates Forum”

North Haven residents can count on NHTV for coverage of all of the 2009 political events leading up to the November 3rd election. The Hamden-North Haven League of Women Voters 2009 Debate featuring the candidates


Episode 48: Gov. Rell and Mike Freda at the Athena Diner

Mike Freda, Republican Candidate for First Selectman, State Senator Len Fasano (R-North Haven), and other North Haven community leaders welcomed Governor M. Jodi Rell (R-Connecticut) at the Athena Diner II in North Haven. The three


Episode 47: October 7, 2009

In this episode of the North Haven News: Federal stimulus funds finding their way to town; New curbside recycling guidelines and procedures.


North Haven Republican Headquarters

The North Haven Republican Headquarters office is now officially open, from 11 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. daily.  It is located at 444A Washington Avenue in the rear of the building.  The phone numbers are:  (203)


First Selectman Debates

At a press conference on July 29, 2009, Michael J. Freda, the Republican nominee for the Office of First Selectman in the Town of North Haven, challenged the incumbent to a series of live and


Episode 43: Republican Rally on Town Green

Less than 48 hours after receiving the Republican nomination for the position of First Selectman, Mike Freda held a press conference and campaign rally on the Town Green on Wednesday morning, July 29th. After remarks


Episode 42: Democratic Nominating Convention

The Democratic Town Committee nominated Janet McCarty to run for a 2nd term as Town First Selectman. Assistant Town Attorney Christopher Duby nominated McCarty and Board of Education member Alicia Clapp seconded the nomination. McCarty


Episode 41: Republican Nominating Convention

The Republican Nominating Convention was help Monday, July 27th 2009 at the Holiday Inn in North Haven. As expected, the North Haven Republican Town Committee nominated Selectman Mike Freda for First Selectman. Jeff Donofrio and


Episode 40: July 21, 2009

In this episode of the North Haven News: New Town Paramedic Program; Freda Calls for Independent Investigation; Counterfeit Cash Bust.