Category: Politics

Ordinance Authorizes North Haven to Block Blight

[box]By: Marji McClure / Shore Publishing[/box] A blight ordinance that will give town officials the authority to officially address and help remedy blight in town was approve by residents at last week’s annual town meeting. According to

Yale-New Haven Hospital Failed to Prove Need for Satellite Emergency Department in North Haven, Connecticut Office Rules

[box]By: Ann DeMatteo / Special to the Post-Chronicle[/box] NORTH HAVEN — Yale-New Haven Hospital did not prove the need for a proposed satellite emergency department in town, according to the state Office of Health Care Access.

Town Leaders Request $14 Million for Capital Projects

[box]By: Kyle Swartz / The North Haven Citizen[/box] Next referendum, residents will vote on $14 million worth of capital improvement plans, including milling and paving roads, a new public works garage and major renovations to four local

North Haven Republican Headquarters Office Is Now Open

PRESS RELEASE SEPTEMBER 26, 2011 JEAN PIEPER CHAIRWOMAN NORTH HAVEN REPUBLICAN TOWN COMMITTEE 203-239-1248 The North Haven Republican Headquarters office is now officially open, from 11 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. daily. It is located at

Episode 91: August 8, 2011

In this episode of North Haven News: The race for 1st Selectman heats up with the announcement of a potential Independent candidate.

Episode 89: July 25, 2011

In this episode of North Haven News: North Haven held their Democratic and Republican nominating conventions last week. Find out who each party nominated to run for 1st Selectman. Click here for the full slate

Democrat and Republican Candidates for 2011 Town Election

Here is the full slate of candidates for the North Haven 2011 Town Election: 2011 North Haven municipal election DTC candidates: First Selectman – Walter Spader Second selectman – Alan Sturtz Town Clerk/Tax Collector – Angela Fleming Treasurer –

2011 RTC Nominating Convention

PRESS RELEASE JULY 5, 2011 JEAN PIEPER GOP TOWN CHAIRWOMAN 203-239-1248 Chairwoman Jean Pieper announced today that the North Haven Republican Town Committee would host its nominating convention on Thursday, July 21, 2011, at the

Committee to Re-Elect Mike Freda

For Immediate Release March 13, 2011 NORTH HAVEN…….The Committee to Re-Elect Mike Freda as North Haven’s First Selectman, is pleased to announce that a fund raising event will be held.  The gala will take place on Tuesday, April 12,

Episode 85: March 13, 2011

In this episode of North Haven News: Sights and sounds from the 2011 New Haven St. Patrick’s Day Parade. Grand Marshal and North Haven resident Walter Nester, Jr. lead the parade, and First Selectman Michael

Dave Yaccarino’s Victory Speech

Watch Dave Yaccarino’s victory speech following Tuesday night’s win over incumbent Steve Fontana to become the State Representative for District 87. Video Courtesy: North Haven Patch

NHTV’s State Representative Debate 2010

NHTV brings you the 2010 State Representative Debate – 87th District – between incumbent Steve Fontana (D) and political newcomer Dave Yaccarino (R).