Category: Politics

North Haven Legislators Environmentally Friendly, Report Shows
[box]by Ben Lasman / North Haven Patch[/box] Both State Senator Len Fasano and State Representative David Yaccarino scored well on this year’s Environmental Scorecard issued by the CT League of Conservation Voters (CTLCV). Designed to give …
By Chris on November 15, 2011

Freda Re-Elected
Vote totals show Michael Freda easily re-elected as 1st Selectman with 85% of the vote. Tim Doheny re-elected as 2nd Selectman, and Alan Sturtz garners more votes than running mate Walt Spader to win as …
By Chris on November 8, 2011

Problems at the Polls? Report Them Here!
Are you having a problem at your polling place? You can keep your neighbors and key public officials informed about voting irregularities by publicly documenting them in real time here with SeeClickFix and North Haven …
By Chris on November 8, 2011

Vote 2011 Ballot
If you want to see who you’ll be voting for today, here’s a link to the two-sided ballot you’ll be receiving at your polling place. Remember, polls are open from 6am to 8pm today. Get …
By Chris on November 8, 2011

Economic Development and Leadership the Top Issues in North Haven Election
[box]by Ann DeMatteo / Special to the Post-Chronicle[/box] NORTH HAVEN — Economic development and which candidate can best take North Haven into the future have emerged as main issues in the race for first selectman. …
By Chris on November 7, 2011

Outgoing Selectman Reflects on 18 Years of Public Service
[box]by Fred Mustane / North Haven Patch[/box] When he steps down from the North Haven Board of Selectmen after this week’s election, Steve Fontana will not hold any appointed or elected government office for the …
By Chris on November 7, 2011

Op-Ed: Yaccarino Applauds Jobs Bill
State Representative Dave Yaccarino (R-87) hailed passage of a bipartisan jobs bill that supports Connecticut employers and will encourage job growth across the state. During a special session on jobs, legislative Republicans and Democrats came …
By Chris on October 27, 2011

Quinnipiac Chamber of Commerce Debate
[box]Video Courtesy: NHTV[/box] The Quinnipiac Chamber of Commerce hosted a North Haven Candidate’s Forum on October 21, 8-10am at the North Haven Holiday Inn. Participating in the event were First Selectman Michael Freda, Democratic Party Candidate Walter Spader, …
By Chris on October 26, 2011

Town Hall Gets Go-Ahead on ADA Renovations
[box]By Ben Lasman | North Haven Patch[/box] After months of waiting, North Haven was awarded a $750,000 Small Cities grant to make Memorial Town Hall compliant with the Americans with Disabilities Act. Continue reading…
By Chris on October 21, 2011

Op-Ed: How to Help Connecticut Businesses
[box]By: State Representative David Yaccarino[/box] In the past few weeks, I have toured more than a dozen North Haven businesses and spent hours talking with their owners and employees in an effort to better understand their …
By Chris on October 17, 2011

Economic Development Key in NHTV Selectman’s Debate
[box]By: Ben Lasman / North Haven Patch[/box] Economic development formed the basis of much of last night’s League of Women Voters debate between North Haven First Selectman candidates Michael Freda (R), Walter Spader (D), and Gary Amato …
By Chris on October 14, 2011

Get To Know the Candidates for 1st Selectman
Election Day is just under one month away, and many of you may want to start educating yourself on the candidates running for 1st Selectman. Republican Michael Freda is being challenged by Democratic candidate Walter Spader and Independent …
By Chris on October 11, 2011