Category: Politics

Dave Yaccarino

Rep. Yaccarino Looks Back at Legislative Session

[box]by Nancy Barnes / North Haven Patch[/box] With this year’s regular General Assembly session under his belt, State Representative Dave Yaccarino, who is expected to run unchallenged for his 87th district seat this fall, gave a thumbs-up to

First Selectman Pitches Zero Tax Hike Budget

[box]By Anthony Karge / North Haven Patch[/box] First Selectman Michael Freda calls the proposed 2012-13 budget a responsible – both for the future of the town and weary taxpayers. Before the $85.1 million budget for the 2012-13

Steve Fontana Press Conference

Watch NHTV’s coverage of Steve Fontana’s press conference in Wallingford where he announced his run for State Senate.

Fontana vs. Fasano

[box]by Christine Stuart / CT News Junkie[/box] Since his defeat in 2010, state Rep. Steve Fontana said he’s done a lot of thinking about why he lost his re-election. “It’s tied into stuff that had nothing to do

Fasano and Yaccarino Announce Candidacies for State Office

State Senator Len Fasano and State Representative Dave Yaccarino are ready to continue their joint effort and work to secure a better future for North Haven families. The two are officially announcing their candidacy’s for

North Haven Caucus Fills Slate After Recount

[box]By the New Haven Register[/box] The Democratic Town Committee has a full slate of members following a caucus last week. While four out of five districts wrapped up their business quickly, there were delays in

Officials Urge Approval of $14 Million Bonding Package

[box]by Kyle Swartz / North Haven Citizen[/box] Town leaders believe that for North Haven’s best interest voters should approve all parts of a proposed $14 million bonding package. If passed at referendum on Jan. 24, bonding

DTC Caucus Draws Record Crowd

[box]by Ben Lasman / North Haven Patch[/box] A large crowd descended on the recreation center Tuesday to appoint new members to the North Haven Democratic Town Committee. “I have never seen this many people in

Cautious Optimism on North Haven Economic Growth

[box]By Ben Lasman / North Haven Patch[/box] Mike Freda expressed cautious optimism about a series of development projects that could bring new businesses and jobs to North Haven at Tuesday night’s monthly meeting of the

Senate Redistricting Redraws 34th

[box]by Ben Lasman and Jenn McCulloch / North Haven Patch[/box] The 2011 State Senate Redistricting Plan will see Len Fasano’s 34th District, typically encompassing East Haven, North Haven, and Wallingford, redrawn to encompass the western third of Durham,

North Haven’s Inaugural Ceremony

On Wednesday, November 30, 2011, North Haven’s Inaugural Ceremony for all newly elected members of the Town’s boards and commissions will take place.  These elected officials will hold office as representatives of both the majority

Op-Ed: Important Post-Storm Insurance Info

[box]By State Representative David Yaccarino (R-North Haven)[/box] In light of the severe property damage associated with Tropical Storm Irene and Winter Storm Alfred I wanted to pass along important information regarding insurance and other recovery