Category: Politics

Len Fasano

Connecticut Must Reduce State Gas Taxes and Use Revenues as Intended

[box]By State Senator Leonard A. Fasano[/box] The summer driving season is over, but high gas prices continue to put pressure on family budgets across Connecticut. While gas prices have come down some, global economic forces

NHTV's Selectman Debate 2013

North Haven Selectman Debate

The League of Women Voters of Hamden-North Haven invites North Haven residents to watch a debate for the seat of North Haven 3rd Selectman between incumbent Alan Sturtz (D) and challenger Sally Buemi (D). The

Engage CT LWV

LWV of Hamden-North Haven gets State Coach

The League of Women Voters of Hamden-North Haven is among the five Connecticut local Leagues that have been accepted into the LWV of Connecticut “Engage CT” program and have each been assigned a coach. LWV

League of Women Voters

LWV Leadership Growing Younger

The League of Women Voters of Hamden-North Haven experienced a surge of young energy with the election of Lori Esposito and Jackie MacKnight as Vice Presidents and of Julie Clement as Secretary at the annual

Len Fasano

Fasano Leads Coastal Management Bill to Unanimous Passage in State Senate

[box]Shoreline homeowners, marinas to face less red-tape when rebuilding, protecting their properties.[/box] Inspired in large part by the harrowing experiences Connecticut’s shoreline residents have lived through in the aftermath of Hurricane Irene and Superstorm Sandy,

Budget Referendum Vote Passes

UPDATE: Budget passes by less than 100 votes: 669 voted “Yes;” 573 voted “No.” On Tuesday, May 21, 2013, the Recreation Center on Linsley Street will be open from 6am-8pm for all North Haven residents

Mike Freda Education Budget

1st Selectman Addresses Recent Concerns and Confusion About the BOE Budget

[box]by Chris Kirby[/box] At the April 17th Board of Finance meeting, First Selectman Mike Freda took a few minutes to address the Board and the members of the audience about some concerns and confusion that

Senator Fasano, Rep. Yaccarino to Host Budget Forum

On Tuesday, March 26th, State Senator Len Fasano (R-34) and State Representative Dave Yaccarino (R-87) will hold a state budget forum at the North Haven Recreation Center (Rm 1). The meeting, which is open to

Bill Introduced by Sen. Fasano to Require Newborn Screening for ALD Passes Public Health Committee

The Connecticut General Assembly’s Public Health Committee gave its approval today to S.B. 465, AN ACT REQUIREING NEWBORN SCREENING FOR ADRENOLEUKODYSTROPHY. The bill now heads to the state Senate. Adrenoluekodystrophy (ALD) affects the tissue lining

Sen. Fasano Introduces Bipartisan Bill Seeking Newborn Screening for Life Threatening Disorder

Hartford, CT – “If they are identified and treated early, the majority can remain asymptomatic.” These are the words of Dr. Jack Kelley, whose son Brian (24) has been quietly but doggedly fighting a rare

Coffee with Your Legislators

Coffee And…, Your Local Legislators

North Haven State Senator Len Fasano and State Representative Dave Yaccarino are trying to make it easier for you to meet with local legislators. On the first Friday of every month beginning March 1st, they

Len Fasano

State Senator Len Fasano Receives COST Town Crier Award

State Senator Len Fasano (R-East Haven, North Haven, Durham and Wallingford) received a Town Crier Award from the Connecticut Council of Small Towns (COST) for his leadership on issues affecting Connecticut’s smaller communities. COST’s Town