Category: Politics

John McKinney

North Haven RTC Endorses John McKinney for Governor

The North Haven Republican Town Committee (RTC) has voted unanimously to endorse State Senate Republican Leader John McKinney to be the Republican nominee for governor of Connecticut. McKinney’s name was put into nomination Tuesday night

North Haven Town Hall

Vote 2013 Election Results

Preliminary results for the 2013 North Haven municipal elections from the Registrars of Voters Office: Selectman: Michael Freda (R unopposed) 2nd Selectman: Timothy Doheny (R) wins 2nd Selectman, making Sally J. Buemi (D) 3rd Selectman Town

Dave Yaccarino

Reverse Changes to Campaign Finance Law

[box]by State Rep. Dave Yaccariono[/box] Toward the end of the legislative session that ended in June, the majority party in the Connecticut General Assembly made significant and unfortunate changes to our state’s campaign finance laws

“Coffee with Your Legislators”

Tomorrow morning at 8am at the McDonalds on Washington Avenue in North Haven State Rep. Dave Yaccarino and State Sen. Len Fasano are holding their monthly “Coffee with Your Legislators” to give residents an opportunity to meet face

QU Presidential Public Service Fellows Honored for Their Work in North Haven

Quinnipiac University senior Steven Pflug spent nine weeks during a summer program working with the Hamden Police Department to help develop a predictive crime mapping project. “It’s basically tactical intelligence,” explained Pflug, a criminal justice and political science major. “It

North Haven Residents, Legislators Talk Issues Over Coffee

On October 4th State Rep. Dave Yaccarino (R-87) and State Sen. Len Fasano (R-34) met with North Haven residents at their monthly “Coffee with Your Legislators” event at McDonald’s on Washington Avenue. The legislators offered residents an update on

Two New Laws to Help Voters

[box]Jackie MacKnight calling Hamden and North Haven town clerks.[/box] “Two new laws will help some people with being able to vote,” says Jackie MacKnight, co-vice president of the League of Women Voters of Hamden-North Haven. One

Dave Yaccarino

Rep. Yaccarino Appointed to CT Veterans Hall of Fame Committee

State Representative Yaccarino was honored this week to be appointed by Governor Dannel P. Malloy to be a member of the Executive Committee to the Connecticut Veterans Hall of Fame. A former member of the

North Haven to Receive School Security Funding

Legislative leaders in Hartford recently announced $5 million is being made immediately available to municipalities in the first round of school security funding under a Competitive Grant Program. The program was introduced following the tragedy at Sandy Hook Elementary School last December

Hamden-North Haven LWV Leaders at Dinner

[box]left to right: Elona Vaisnys, Erika Forsa, Miriam Brody, Lori Esposito, Jackie MacKnight, Louise Brundage, Jane Shaw, and Mary Bigelow[/box] At the Sept. 12 League of Women Voters of Connecticut “POWERING OUR VOICES” dinner that drew

Elona Vaisnys

Capitol Tours: Take One, They’re Free!

[box]Elona Vaisnys on the armrest of Sen. Fasano’s chair in the Senate chamber.[/box] In just August, more than 1,000 visitors took a state capitol tour in Hartford given by the League of Women Voters, LWV.

Sally Buemi Wins Democratic Primary

Challenger Sally Buemi defeated incumbent Allan Sturtz to win the 2013 Democratic Primary for 3rd Selectman. The final vote totals were: Sally Buemi – 303 Allan Sturtz – 128