Category: Politics

Rep. Yaccarino Hosts Successful Winter Clothing Drive with Columbus House
The effort focused on providing homeless and insecure veterans in the North Haven area with new winter essentials, like hats, gloves, and warm underwear.

Rep. Yaccarino to Host Veterans Winter Clothing Drive with Columbus House
This annual drive is aiming to collect NEW men’s & women’s coats, sweatpants, underwear, hats, and gloves.

Sen. Cicarella Receives Perfect Score for Voting Record on Jobs & Economic Growth
Recognized for 100 percent pro-business voting record by CBIA in 2023 Legislative Voting Records Report

Rep. Yaccarino Meets with North Haven High School Classes to Discuss Current Affairs
Rep. Yaccarino offered the students insight on the daily life of a state representative, his history serving the people of North Haven, and how his role fits into the complicated landscape of local, state, and federal government issues – and even sometimes global.

North Haven Lawmakers, Local Leaders Applaud Grant Award for North Haven
Governor Lamont approves STEAP funding to benefit North Haven Fire Department

House Republicans Propose Election Integrity Reforms in Special Session
Majority party Democrats reject Republican amendments.

State Rep. Dave Yaccarino Receives 100% Voting Record for 2023 Legislative Session
According to a recently-released report from the Clerk of the House of Representatives, Rep. Yaccarino cast a vote in each of 368 votes taken in the House over a long session.

Op-Ed: “Half-Measures in Hartford: Why Change is Needed”
By Sen. Paul Cicarella While summer is in full swing, topics like the mechanics of the legislative session, or what laws your elected leaders supported are unlikely to be front and center at your next …

Rep. Yaccarino Votes to Adopt 2024-25 Connecticut State Budget with Historic Income Tax Cut
The fully balanced bipartisan budget features over $150 million for local education, establishes a phase-out on pension and annuity taxes, investments in public safety, and strict adherence to fiscal guardrails established in the 2017 budget agreement.

Rep. Yaccarino, Sen. Cicarella Welcome State Champion North Haven Hockey, Football Teams to State Capitol
Both teams were introduced on the floor of the Connecticut Senate and House of Representatives to thunderous applause from legislators, staff, and guests in attendance.

Sen. Cicarella Applauds Passage of Bill to Combat Street Takeovers, Racing and Illegal Roadway Activity
Senator Cicarella joined the bipartisan legislative effort to investigate and deter groups of hundreds of people from unlawfully operating motor vehicles, motorcycles and all-terrain vehicles on public roadways.

Sen. Cicarella & Sen. Martin Applaud Senate Passage of High School Financial Literacy Measure
Research shows that over 60 percent of Americans live paycheck-to-paycheck and struggle to save money for short-term or long-term financial goals.