Category: Politics

“League Info Night: Teen into Effective Citizen” to air on NHTV
“League Info Night: Teen into Effective Citizen,” a League of Women Votes of Hamden-North Haven sponsored panel on the state of civic health in Connecticut, is being broadcast until and including the week of 5/18/15 in North Haven on NHTV.

Republicans to Hold Monday Public Hearing on Democrats’ Massive Tax Hike Proposal
Senate Minority Leader Len Fasano (R-North Haven) and House Republican Leader Themis Klarides (R-Derby) announced that Senate and House Republicans will host a Monday public hearing to allow residents and businesses to speak out regarding the Democrats’ proposal to hike state taxes by $2.4 billion.

Yaccarino Votes Against Massive Democrat Tax Hikes
State Representative Dave Yaccarino (R-87) today cast his vote against a massive tax increase package offered by majority Democrats on the Finance, Revenue and Bonding Committee which would include a $40.6 billion plan that increases taxes an incredible $1.131 billion in FY 16 and $709.3 million in FY 17.

Sen. Fasano & CT Republicans Unveil Blueprint for Prosperity
Scrapping Gov. Malloy’s budget proposal, House and Senate Republicans today offered their plan, a Blueprint for Prosperity, which accomplishes what the governor could not: it is balanced, under the spending cap, restores vital social service programs for the neediest and reforms taxes, while instituting government reforms to save hundreds of millions in the coming two years.

Yaccarino, Republicans outline Blueprint for Prosperity
Rep. Dave Yaccarino (R-87) along with Republican lawmakers revealed a two-year $40 billion spending plan for Connecticut that is honest, restores critical funding and addresses immediate needs, during a press conference on Friday morning.

Rep. Yaccarino Keeps His Campaign Promise of Monthly Coffee Hours
Rep. Dave Yaccarino recently discussed with constituents issues facing Connecticut like taxes, budget deficits and cuts to the most vulnerable population – seniors, as well as residents with intellectual and developmental disabilities.

Quinnipiac University’s School of Nursing hosts U.S. Sen. Chris Murphy to discuss pay gap between male and female nurses
U.S. Senator Chris Murphy visited Quinnipiac University on April 1, to discuss a report that male nurses out-earn female nurses by an average of $5,000 per year.

Yaccarino Participates in Jobs Roundtable
State Rep. Dave Yaccarino (R-87) welcomed area business leaders to the State Capitol on Wednesday, March 25, for “Connecticut Business Day”.

How does a teenager turn into an effective citizen? A panel discussion organized by the League of Women Voters of Hamden-North Haven invites parents, teachers, community leaders, students, and “just citizens” to discuss with the panelists growing effective citizens in for communities.

Yaccarino Responds to Governor Malloy’s Proposed Cuts to Veterans’ Funeral Honors
In a faulty effort to comply with this year’s budget, Governor Malloy proposed cuts to veterans’ funeral honors, something that in my opinion should never be cut.

League Eat and Meet
The legislators sat at different tables, providing citizens a rare opportunity to sit up close with someone whom most know as a name in the paper or online or a face on TV.

Rep. Yaccarino Adopts Quinnipiac River State Park
State Representative Dave Yaccarino joined 53 other Legislators on the Honor Roll of State Park and Forest Adopters by adopting Quinnipiac River State Park in North Haven.