Category: Politics


State Budget Cuts: Short Sighted to Say the Least

On September 18, Governor Malloy single-handedly passed $103 million in new budget cuts, including $63.4 million in reduced Medicaid payments to hospitals. The result of these cuts would increase hospitals’ tax liability to the state by over $267 million between fiscal year 2015 and fiscal year 2016, raising the state tax burden for hospitals to almost $500 million annually.

Republicans Question Governor’s Budget Cuts Threatening Connecticut Hospitals

Senate & House Republicans are standing in support of Connecticut hospitals as they oppose Governor Dannel P. Malloy’s $103 million in new budget cuts, including $63.4 million in reduced Medicaid payments to hospitals.

Fasano, Yaccarino, Freda Welcome Federal Grant to Support Transit-Oriented Development in North Haven

Senator Len Fasano, Representative Dave Yaccarino and First Selectman Michael Freda today applauded a $700,000 grant from the Federal Transit Administration awarded to the State of Connecticut to conduct a study of transit-oriented development (TOD) opportunities in the New Haven-Hartford-Springfield rail corridor, also known as the Hartford Line.

Len Fasano

Sen. Fasano Applauds Durham/Middlefield Grant to Prevent Youth Substance Abuse

Senate Minority Leader Len Fasano today applauded a national grant awarded to the Durham community to help prevent youth substance use.

Len Fasano

Sen. Fasano Renews Call for Special Session Following Statement From GE

Senate Minority Leader Len Fasano (R-North Haven) wrote yesterday to Governor Dannel P. Malloy and Majority Legislative Leaders again requesting a special legislative session to make changes to the state budget and lighten burdens on Connecticut businesses.


Rep. Yaccarino Achieves 100% Voting Record

State Rep. Dave Yaccarino (R-87) this year continued his exemplary record of service to constituents by registering a one-hundred percent House roll call voting record during the 2015 legislative session.

Sen. Fasano Hosts Students from the Spanish Community of Wallingford at State Capitol

Senate Minority Leader Len Fasano (second from the right) showed students from the Spanish Community of Wallingford (SOCW) around the state Capitol on August 27.

Sen. Fasano, Sen. Hwang Call on Governor to Hold Special Session to Repeal Unitary Tax

Senate Minority Leader Len Fasano (R-North Haven) and Senator Tony Hwang (R-Fairfield) called on Governor Malloy to hold a special session of the Connecticut General Assembly to repeal the unitary tax.

Legislators Meet with CT Business Owners

New Haven County Legislators Dave Yaccarino, Vincent Candelora and Len Fasano on Thursday, August 27, met with Connecticut’s business owners to offer a legislative update and listen to their concerns.

Sen. Fasano Statement on Connecticut Supreme Court Death Penalty Ruling

Hartford – Senate Minority Leader Len Fasano (R-North Haven) released the following statement in response to the Connecticut Supreme Court’s ruling barring the execution of 11 state prison inmates now on death row.  “Today Connecticut’s

North Haven Candidate Meet and Greet Scheduled

North Haven voters will have an opportunity to meet candidates for town offices, and enjoy a BBQ next month. The North Haven Democratic Town Committee will host the event on September 8th at the American Legion Hall in town.

Dave Yaccarino

Connecticut Certainly Not “Open for Business”

A controversial proposal was debated that shed light on Connecticut’s strange and one-sided relationship with our state’s job creators and hard-working middle class.