Category: Politics

LWV Debate 2016
Watch The League of Women Voters debate between North Haven State Representative candidates David Yaccarino and Stephen Gifford.

MADD Names Sen. Len Fasano a “2016 Legislator of the Year”
The Connecticut chapter of Mothers Against Drunk Driving (MADD) has honored Senator Len Fasano (R-North Haven) as one of its “2016 Legislators of the Year” recognizing his work in the area of public safety.

Yaccarino and Gifford to debate on NHTV
The League of Women Voters of Hamden/North Haven and NHTV will co-sponsor an In-Studio debate between North Haven State Representative candidates David Yaccarino and Stephen Gifford.

OPINION: Yaccarino Working for Veterans’ Benefits
As a state legislator, my main priority is to accurately represent the people of North Haven. I take that responsibility very seriously and always do my best to be the voice of North Haven residents …

Voter Registration, In Depth
Joan Gibson, state elections officer from the Secretary of the State office, reviewed questions that can come up when registering people to vote. League members learned that a person who is on probation retains the …

Looney, Fasano Receive CSMS Legislative Awards
The Connecticut State Medical Society honored the two highest-ranking members of the Connecticut State Senate, President Pro Tempore Martin Looney (D-New Haven) and Senate Minority leader Len Fasano (R-North Haven) for their commitment and dedication …

Sen. Fasano Named 2016 “Children’s Champion”
Senate Minority Leader Len Fasano was presented with the 2016 “Children’s Champion” award by the Connecticut Early Childhood Alliance for his leadership on issues related to Connecticut’s young children.

CT Chapter of NOW endorses Democrat Steve Gifford
The Connecticut Chapter of the National Organization for Women has endorsed North Haven Democrat Steve Gifford for State Representative in 2016.

LETTER TO THE EDITOR: Building Connecticut’s Businesses
Last week, Connecticut’s Department of Economic and Community Development released results of their First Five business incentive programs. The programs showed a gain of 3700 jobs and $2.2B per year in economic activity, at a cost to the state of $13K per job. While we can be proud of this record, it needs adjustment.

OP-ED: Time to Create Business Opportunity for All, Not Just the Privileged Few
For years Connecticut Republicans have called for policy changes to reduce business burdens. The less you tax a business, the more capital it will have to invest in growing services and jobs.

Three Nobel laureates to discuss peace, gender issues and human rights
Three Nobel Prize laureates will discuss peace, gender issues and human rights when they participate in a panel discussion at 7:30 p.m. on Wednesday, Sept. 14, at Burt Kahn Court at Quinnipiac University.

Yaccarino Rides Along with North Haven Police Department
Rep. Yaccarino, a member of the legislature’s Public Safety Committee stated that this police ride-along gave him a deeper understanding of what our local police force endures on a daily basis, along with an often demanding schedule.