Category: Politics

Rep. Yaccarino Talks to Local Manufacturers and Educators
Rep. Yaccarino speaks on behalf of House Republican Caucus during 5th Annual Materials Manufacturing Summer Teachers’ Institute

Sen. Fasano, Advocates for the Disabled Push for Budget Solution
Fasano led the Senate Republican caucus in crafting a detailed budget solution which protects state services for at-risk individuals and is urging state lawmakers to allow a debate on the Senate Republican budget.

North Haven First Selectman to Continue Leading Legislative Taskforce on Humane Treatment of Animals
First Selectman Freda has served as chairman since the task force was established in 2014 pursuant to Public act 14-205 and he will be appointing the members of the task force in accordance with the membership criteria in the public act.

Senator Looney and Senator Fasano Applaud Governor’s Signing of Legislation Enhancing Pharmaceutical Transparency and Consumer Protection
Public Act 17-241 will help increase transparency regarding pharmaceutical costs, prevent consumers from paying more for prescription drugs than the drug actually costs and ensure fair competition to benefit consumers.

Letter to the Editor: First Selectman Mike Freda is the True Driving Force Behind Amazon Development
It was First Selectman Freda’s efforts that attracted Amazon to North Haven. And it was his love for our town and unparalleled work ethic that propelled this development forward.

Fasano, Frantz Applaud Senate Passage of Urban Development & Workforce Training Program
State Senate Approves New Program to Encourage the Redevelopment of Brownfields and Underutilized Property

Sen. Fasano Applauds Senate Passage of Bipartisan Bill to Close the 2017 State Budget Shortfall
Keeps approximately $30 million in the state’s rainy day fund; Restores millions of dollars to municipalities, state parks and programs for those with intellectual disabilities.

Rep. Yaccarino Backs Bill To Assist Veterans
Legislation will waive certain license replacement fees for veterans.

Senator Looney and Senator Fasano Applaud Passage of Legislation Enhancing Pharmaceutical Transparency and Consumer Protection
The health care bill passed by the Senate today with unanimous support will help increase transparency regarding pharmaceutical costs, prevent consumers from paying more for prescription drugs than the drug actually costs and ensure fair competition to benefit consumers.

Yaccarino Celebrates CT Manufacturing
Nearly thirty Connecticut manufacturers exhibited their products and services at the State Capitol on Wednesday, May 16 as part of a Manufacturing Innovation Day celebration.

Sen. Fasano, Bipartisan Lawmakers Applaud Senate Passage of Legislation to Enhance Oversight of the Department of Children and Families
Senate Bill No. 894, passed in the early morning hours of May 18, will establish a State Oversight Council on Children and Families to independently monitor and analyze DCF operations and make recommendations to the agency and legislature for improvements to the state’s child welfare programs.

Sen. Fasano, Senate Republicans Unveil Revised State Budget Proposal
This week Senate Republican President Pro Tempore Len Fasano and Senate Republican lawmakers released a revised line-by-line state budget proposal that does not rely on new taxes.