Category: Politics

Rep. Yaccarino Earns 100 Percent Voting Record
Representative Yaccarino currently serves as the top ranking House Republican on the Commerce Committee and is also a member of the Environment Committee and the Finance, Revenue and Bonding Committee.

North Haven Residents, Legislators Talk Issues Over Coffee
The legislators offered residents an update on legislative activity, answered their questions about state issues and listened to their concerns about the community.

Sen. Fasano Supports Annual Stuff-A-Bus Food Drive
Sen. Fasano also presented Vinnie Penn with a citation, introduced by him and State Senator George Logan (R-Ansonia), recognizing two decades of service running the Stuff-A-Bus fundraiser and raising awareness for hunger throughout our state.

Yaccarino Supports Passage of State Budget
The plan passed the Senate 33-3 Wednesday evening and by 126-23 in the House of Representatives on Thursday. The budget awaits action from the governor.

2017 North Haven Selectman Debate
Did you miss the debate? You can watch it on NHTV or online at

Sen. Fasano & Rep. Yaccarino: Legislature’s Bipartisan Budget Passed Last Month Would Increase Aid for North Haven
The Democrat legislative leaders’ budget proposal, which does not have enough support to pass the legislature, would cut education funding in North Haven by $3 million and cut overall municipal aid to North Haven by a whopping $5.3 million over two years.

Yaccarino Urges Override of Governor’s Veto
Governor’s actions irresponsible to schools, municipalities.

LWV: First and Second Selectman Debate
The debate will take place Wed., Oct. 11, 6:00 (note earlier time), Recreation Center, 7 Linsley Street, North Haven.

Bipartisan Budget Update from State Representative Yaccarino
This bipartisan budget avoids a $1.5 billion tax increase, preserves core social services, keeps commitments to local education, provides stability for municipalities, does not increase taxes on non-prescription medications and rejects Governor Malloy’s proposed shifting of teacher pension costs onto towns and cities.

Rep. Yaccarino Attends Benchmark Assisted Living Veterans Coffee Hour
“It is always an honor to meet veterans and listen to their perspective – that’s my job as a legislator.”

Fasano will not run for Governor in 2018
Today I want to announce that after considerable thought I have made the decision that I will not seek the Republican nomination for governor in 2018.

Rep. Yaccarino Interviews on Television with Joe Vegliante
Rep. Yaccarino fielded questions from Vegliante about his experience thus far in the legislature as well as his thoughts on the current legislative session.