Category: Politics

Len Fasano

Senator Fasano Applauds Senate Passage Of Bill To Ban Leasing Of Dogs And Cats

Senate Bill No. 241 was amended to include a provision proposed by Sen. Fasano to ban the practice of entering into agreements to lease a dog or cat for which ownership is retained by the leasing company.

Sen. Fasano, Republican Lawmakers Release Revised Fy 2019 State Budget Proposal Focus On Stabilization Of Connecticut’s Future

This revised plan fully balances next year’s budget, reduces future deficits, restores funding for the core functions of government, and does not include any new tax increases.

Rep. Yaccarino Stands Up for Veterans

“We need to stand up and stop cutting from our veterans. This is a time when we need to talk less and do more.”

Sen. Fasano, Republican Lawmakers Propose State Budget

The Republican proposal fully balances the fiscal year 2019 budget and eliminates the projected $321.5 million deficit.

School Safety Working Group Convenes First Meeting

The group will conduct a comprehensive review of school safety in Connecticut on an on-going basis and make recommendations for the next legislative session in 2019.

Rep. Yaccarnio Tours Local Business

During a tour of the business by owner, Luigi Nuzzolillo, Rep. Yaccarino was able to hear about the business needs and the challenges this local florist faces within the industry, as well as from state policies and regulations.

Senator Fasano Applauds Advancement of Bill to Enhance School Safety

The legislation, approved by the Finance Committee, includes funding for systems to enhance school safety by providing direct communication between school personnel and first responders.

Dave Yaccarino

Bioscience Bill Heads for Debate in Legislature

The bill, which Rep. Yaccarino introduced, seeks to exempt from the personal income tax certain income received by a manager of certain venture capital funds that invest in Connecticut bioscience businesses.


Rep. Yaccarino Joins School Safety & Security Working Group

This bipartisan working group will be designed to evaluate the implementation of safety and security measures the state mandated following the events of Sandy Hook, and to produce new recommendations to ensure school security and safety going forward.

Sen. Fasano, Lawmakers Join Hispanic Federation’s CT Advocacy Day & Legislative Luncheon

Sen. Fasano also spoke to the group about bipartisan efforts in Connecticut to craft legislation that supports students, including Hispanic students, working towards earning a college degree if they are on a path to citizenship.

Rep. Yaccarino Meets with Individuals from Connecticut Department of Developmental Services (CT DDS) Families First

The mission of CT DDS Families First is to secure all opportunities and support Connecticut citizens with intellectual and developmental disabilities (I/DD) so that they may live full and productive lives in their communities.

Quinnipiac University presents town of North Haven with $700,000 check, which will be used for two elementary school playgrounds

Freda said, the money will be used to build a new playground at the Montowese Elementary School, and an inclusive handicapped accessible playscape at Ridge Road School.