Category: Politics

Rep. Yaccarino Supports A Bill To Expand Workers Compensation for Mental Health Treatment

In order to qualify, individuals must have had the PTSD come as a direct result of a qualifying event that occurred in the line of duty, and not due to any intervening factor or other source of stress.


Rep. Yaccarino Votes for Bill Cracking Down on the Sale of Fentanyl

s legislation classifies fentanyl as a narcotic substance. The penalties for manufacturing and selling narcotics except as authorized by law, typically involve mandatory prison time along with substantial fines.

Republican Lawmakers Present Alternative to Tolls

The majority of residents in attendance expressed their opposition to tolls and there were nearly 200 individuals in attendance.


Op-Ed: How Much More Can We Pay?

Connecticut does not have a revenue problem; we have a spending problem.

North Haven Informational Tolls Forum

With the governor’s recent budget address including more than fifty tolls expected on all major highways across the state, this event will allow area residents to share their concerns, get their questions answered, and discuss potential alternatives.

Rep. Yaccarino Testifies To Increase Property Tax Abatement for First Responders

Connecticut currently has over 26,000 active firefighters; about 22,000 of these are volunteers, which amount to about 80 percent.

LWV Breakfast with the Legislators

In the audience at the Jan. 26 breakfast held at The Whitney Center in Hamden were Hamden mayor Curt B. Lang (LWV member) and North Haven First Selectman Mike Freda.


Rep. Yaccarino Joins Constituents to Conduct the Annual Statewide Homeless Count

Every year, the State of Connecticut conducts an annual census of people who are experiencing homelessness, including a one-night count of adults and families with children and a week-long count of unaccompanied youth.

“Bipartisanship Separates Connecticut from Washington”

What separates Connecticut lawmakers from Washington politicians is that here in our state Republicans and Democrats can, have and will continue to work together to reach solutions.

Dave Yaccarino

Civility, Kindness and Unity

When working with my legislative colleagues on both sides of the political aisle, I believe that the peoples’ interests are best served when a government is united through compromise.

Dave Yaccarino

Rep. Yaccarino Receives ‘New Year’ Legislative Committee Assignments

House Republican Leader Themis Klarides named Rep. Dave Yaccarino to her 2019-2021 leadership team as a House Republican Whip, which gives him leadership responsibilities on the House Floor during floor debate.

Breakfast and Chat with your State Legislators

The event starts with a light breakfast and informal conversation at tables with the legislators, which allows residents to speak directly to their elected state senators and representatives about their concerns.