Sen. Cicarella, CT House and Senate Republicans Offer Ideas to Provide Consumers Relief on Electric Bills

Connecticut Republicans unveiled a detailed six-point plan to bring about stability and relief for consumers.

As Connecticut residents are opening their January electricity bills, Senior Deputy Republican Leader Paul Cicarella (R-North Haven) and Connecticut Republicans unveiled a detailed six-point plan to bring about stability and relief for consumers.

“People across our district and state have had enough. Republicans are once again offering specific ideas to bring much-needed relief for Connecticut families, businesses, and seniors,” said Senator Cicarella.

“Throughout the summer and fall, I’ve heard from thousands of constituents either in person or who’ve reached out to my office. Energy affordability is their top concern. My Republican colleagues and I are once again inviting majority party Democrats to consider our solutions for relief. I encourage them to join us and do what is right for the people of Connecticut,” he said.

The Republicans’ plan would:

  1. Remove Public Benefits Charges from electric bills.
  2. Prohibit agreements that buy electricity at 150 % above the wholesale price.
  3. Redefine “Class I renewable energy source” to include any ectricity generated from a hydropower or nuclear power generating facility.
  4. Separate PURA from DEEP.
  5. Eliminate any incentive program that increases electric demand, including, any electric vehicle rebate program.
  6. Study ways to increase the supply of natural gas.

Watch the press conference here.

Posted by Chris

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