Month: July 2021

Quinnipiac University to welcome new cohort of accelerated nursing students
The hybrid accelerated BSN program, which will start in January and enroll 24-32 students, is designed for individuals with a bachelor’s degree in another discipline who are interested in pursuing nursing as a second bachelor’s degree.

Cicarella: “Enough is enough.”
Sen. Cicarella Statement on Fatal Shooting in North Haven; Calls on Legislature to Act Amid Statewide Spike in Violent Crime

Quinnipiac University medical student elected to a Student National Medical Association leadership post
As director of Region VII, Douglas will represent students from six states that have 11 medical schools and 20 undergraduate colleges and universities.

Sen. Cicarella Applauds Proposed Federal Legislation Based on “Tristan’s Law”
The proposed federal legislation will provide incentives to states that choose to adopt and implement laws to increase the safety of frozen dessert truck patrons.

North Haven Legislators Host 10th Annual ‘Cookout & Conversation’
The lawmakers provided an update regarding the 2021 Legislative Session and discussed issues pertaining to the governor’s request to extend emergency powers, taxes, state spending, zoning, legalization of marijuana, the bipartisan budget that passed, and the juvenile crime crisis with nearly 25 residents.

North Haven Poet Laureate Search
The Poet Laureate of the Town of North Haven serves as an ambassador promoting the creation and enjoyment of poetry.