The the League of Women Voters of Hamden/North Haven elected a new Steering Committee for a two year term June 12 at the annual dinner meeting, held at J. Roos Restaurant in North Haven. The Steering Committee, chaired by rotating conveners, includes Alice Baxter, Treasurer/Membership; Donna Bouffard, Secretary; Diane Hoffman, Voter Services and back-up Secretary; Stephanie Wilborne, Spokesperson/Information; Nominating Co-Chairs Raeanne Curtis and Christine Esposito; and Members April Beichner and Helen Spencer.
The featured speaker was Kathleen Schomaker, Energy Efficiency Projects Manager for Hamden, who spoke about SustainableCT and her role as the Hamden liaison to that program. North Haven also participates in SustainableCT.
During the past year, LWV of Hamden-North Haven has hosted a live-streamed conference on redistricting, registered voters and answered questions at various venues (every outdoor concert on the Hamden Green, most farmers markets in Hamden, Brooksvale Fall Festival), including Hamden High.
LWV members served as timers for two pre-primary, televised gubernatorial debates. LWV organized a District 34 democratic senatorial pre-primary at the North Haven Library and a District 17 senatorial debate at the Miller Memorial Library (Thornton Wilder hall) in Hamden. A House debate for District 87 was held at the North Haven Middle School. A League member spoke to English as a Second Language students at the Keefe Center in Hamden about voters’ rights and responsibilities; another member spoke at the Gateway Community College Government Association Empowerment Expo about Connecticut’s clean state election public financing program.
When an emergency situation developed on Election Day 2018 in New Haven, our local League member hurried to assist with registering voters.
The Breakfast with the Legislators, held at the Whitney Center in Hamden, and all our other events were very well attended. All were taped by NHTV or Citizens TV, were aired often, and also were available online.
Our local League participated in the Earth Day celebration in Hamden and members attended the Earth Day celebration in North Haven.
The next LWV Steering Committee meeting July 8, 7:00 pm, Hamden Government Center ground floor, will set the basic schedule of the year and will discuss the major program components. The meeting is open to all League members.
LWV welcomes new members, and that includes men (since 1974). The League is non-partisan and neither supports nor opposes political candidates. For more information regarding becoming a member please contact Stephanie Wilborne 203-228-8254.