The members of the planning committee in the photo are, from left to right : Donna Bouffard, Elona Vaisnys, Diane Hoffman, and Alice Baxter.
The League of Women Voters of Hamden/North Haven invites the public to share conversation and a light breakfast with Hamden and North Haven State legislators on January 26th, 2019 from 9-11 AM at Whitney Center, South Entrance, 200 Leeder Hill Drive, Hamden.
State Senators Len Fasano, George Logan and Martin Looney, and State Representatives Michael D’Agostino, Joshua Elliot, Robyn Porter, and David Yaccarino have all been invited to meet with their constituents and then answer questions as part of a panel discussion. With debates and elections behind us, constituents will have an opportunity to share with legislators their suggestions about how to solve various problems in our state. This annual gathering provides legislators with valuable input from voters.
The event starts with a light breakfast and informal conversation at tables with the legislators, which allows residents to speak directly to their elected state senators and representatives about their concerns. This is followed by a panel discussion, moderated by Elona Vaisnys, where the legislators will respond to questions and comments from the audience. Don’t miss this opportunity to be updated on the status of the CT state budget and other issues that affect you as a citizen.
The suggested donation is $7.00 to help offset the cost of the breakfast. Please register by Jan 20th to Kathy Grant by email or phone: 203-823-1023.
In case of inclement weather, tune to channel 30 WVIT or channel 3, WCBS for cancellation information. Or contact Kathy Grant at the email or phone number above.
The League of Women Voters, founded in 1920, welcomes as members men (since 1974) and women who have an interest in how we govern ourselves in our municipalities, states and nation and who are willing to work for greater participation in our democracy.