Spring 2018 Bulk Pickup Schedule

Residents should place items at the curb by 5am on their designated trash collection day.

Bulk pickup in North Haven is scheduled for the last two full weeks of April. Residents should place items at the curb by 5am on their designated trash collection day. Items will be collected after the regular sanitation collection has been completed.

Bulk items include upholstered items (chairs, sofas, mattresses, box springs, sectionals, reclining chairs), appliances or “white goods” (washers, dryers, refrigerators, ranges, dishwashers) and scrap metal (curtain rods, bicycles, metal tables, metal ladders, lawn mowers, metal grills, air conditioners.)

Wood items are not considered bulk. Wood items, including chairs, tables, bookcases, etc. can be incinerated and are picked up along with weekly curbside collections.

Electronics (televisions, stereos, computers, copiers, fax machines, etc.) must by brought to the Recycling Center on Elm Street.

For more information, call 203-239-5321, ext. 410.

Posted by Chris

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