Shred Day is scheduled for Saturday, APRIL 7, 2018 at Ridge Road Elementary School (1341 Ridge Road in North Haven) from 9:00 AM to 11:30 AM (Please enter from Ridge Road).
Cost is $10.00 for up to 30 lbs. of shredding.
You may purchase a pre-sale bag from the Ridge Road School office for $10.00. (Bags are in stock now!)
All shredding will be done on site by Secure Eco Shred and will take only minutes.
If you are unable to purchase a pre-sale bag, you can fill a standard office size file box and the cost to shred the box will be $10.00, regardless of its weight. Or fill any bag, box or bin and the price will be determined when you drop it off. Everyone is invited to participate in this fundraiser. It is an excellent service for our community and makes money for our school at the same time! This is your chance to clean out your office, storage space, home, attic and garage and safely discard any confidential and sensitive documents quickly and inexpensively. Help save some trees and support this fundraiser! Don’t forget your Box Tops and ink and toner cartridges to earn more money for our school!
For more information, please contact Grace.