Month: March 2018

Quinnipiac University School of Education Professor Cindy Kern of North Haven guest lectured at Cairo American College in Egypt
Kern, who joined the School of Education faculty at Quinnipiac in 2015, received her doctorate in science education from the University of Nevada.

Quinnipiac University presents town of North Haven with $700,000 check, which will be used for two elementary school playgrounds
Freda said, the money will be used to build a new playground at the Montowese Elementary School, and an inclusive handicapped accessible playscape at Ridge Road School.

2018 NHSC Scholarships
The North Haven Soccer Club is giving $500 college scholarships to two current or former members of the NHSC who are heading off to college. Deadline to enter is May 1, 2018.

Expert on the international integrative law movement to discuss her latest book April 12 at Quinnipiac University School of Law Center
In “Lawyers as Changemakers,” Wright covers the expansion and development of the integrative law movement and explores the pillars of the movement: integrated reflective practices; values and purpose-based practices; systems thinking approaches; and integral consciousness.

LWV Spring Event
The speaker will be Carol Reimers, LWV of Connecticut president, who has held League leadership positions on the local, state, and national levels.

Rep. Yaccarino In Attendance At Bioscience Advocacy Day
The event highlighted the importance of the Bioscience sector in Connecticut – including taking steps towards urging that new improvements be made to bring Connecticut successfully into the future.

Fasano, Lawmakers Call for Public Hearing, Full Transparency on State’s Inmate Medical Care Failures
In recent months, a pattern of cases has come to light in which inmates in the state’s correction department were reportedly not provided proper medical care.

Shred Day at Ridge Road Elementary
All shredding will be done on site by Secure Eco Shred and will take only minutes.

State Representative Dave Yaccarino Reads to Local School Children for Read Across America
Read Across America is an annual event held on Dr. Theodor Seuss Geisel’s birthday, March 2nd, to commemorate his life’s work and his ability to captivate young audiences with his unique children’s books.

Sen. Fasano, Rep. Yaccarino Raise Awareness at the 2018 Rare Disease Day at the State Capitol
Sen. Fasano and Rep. Yaccarino are both long-time advocates for individuals who suffer from rare diseases and have worked on legislation to raise awareness and help people access treatment and research.

North Haven professor to perform mathematical magic show at Quinnipiac University on March 7
Nabel has been using math to entertain audiences for over 40 years. His presentation will feature mentalism effects, which he uses to read minds and demonstrate precognition.